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Sunday, September 14

Still setting up my blog......

Today I'm joining Chari in her "Sunday Favorites" , it's a Sunday meme designed to give bloggers a chance to share a favorite post from the past!!!

This was my very first post to my blog back in that I look back it actually was pretty nice. I was wondering what I was ever going to have that was interesting enough to blog and share with the world. Now I think I have the hang of it. Please enjoy the photos and the relaxing music on this My Favorite Day....Sunday...and please go over and see the other "favorites" on Chari's blog Happy to Design

I've spent the evening figuring out the bells and whistles....I'll work on posting tomorrow

Heres's a scrapbook of pictures from my recent visit to the Morris Arboretum near Philadelphia, PA... and my visit to Hershey, PA to the Hershey Gardens.....

Click to play Morris Arboretum, Philadelphia, PA

Click to play Hershey, PA


  1. I just sat down with a bowl of cherries and then came across your blog from Chari's. Serendipity.
    Oh I bet the roses smelled so nice. It is hard to take a picture of a bee because they never sit still long enough for me.

  2. Hi Vicki...

    My friend, it's so very nice to have you for the Sunday Favorites party...WELCOME!!! I really...really enjoyed your "Smilebox" presentations...such fabulous gardens! I thought the gardens at the Hershey place were fabulous as well! Ohhh...both trips must have been sooo much many pretties to see! Thank you so much for sharing them with us for Sunday Favorites...this lovely post definitely deserved a second perfect for Sunday Favorites!!! I sure do hope that you'll join us again!

    I also wanted to thank you for leaving such a sweet note on my SF post! It's so nice to meet you, Vicki!

    Have a marvelous Monday, my friend!
    Chari @Happy To Design


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