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Saturday, August 8

Missy makes it hard to work.......

"Sunday Favorites" is a Sunday meme designed to give bloggers a chance to share a favorite post from the past!!!
Please join Chari and all of the other wonderful ladies who are sharing from their Sunday Favorites by follow this link
Missy has decided that she wants to be my "helper" this afternoon. She's making it kind of hard to get any jewelry designing done. Nothing like a Fat Cat to make you stop and smile.


  1. Cute picture! Is Missy about to be Mommy?

  2. No...She's been "fixed"...she's just a fat!Sleeps all day, talks to me alot, and isn't much of a "foodie" amazingly enough.

  3. Hi Vicki...

    Girlfriend, I just giggled when I seen this adorable photo of your Missy kitty! She really is a beautiful cat! Hehe...I bet it is difficult to get any work done in these kind of circumstances! Gotta love it!!!

    Thank you so much for sharing this cute post with us for Sunday Favorites today, my friend! It made my heart smile!!!

    Have a super Sunday!
    Chari @Happy To Design

  4. Oh how adorable! Missy is so cute -- I would just be playing and cuddling with her. Cass


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