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Wednesday, February 3

Mary's Ribbons Bracelet and whining........

Some time ago my very talented friend, Heather, from Dragonflylampworks created this set of glass lampwork beads for me. I have finally had the chance to make something fun with them. I'm calling this bracelet Mary's Ribbons. It's 7.5 inches in length and it's $45. Ms. Heather has been so wonderful about sharing her photograhy tips with me these past few months. Her photos are always so perfect. The sweet friend even went out and bought me the same "dish" that she uses in her pictures and sent it to me last week as an early birthday present! How awesome is that??? I'm working hard at learning the capabilities of my camera. Who knew you could change the setting for the kinds of lighting you are using in your photos????
Now for whining...I've been having what I call "mouse shoulder" for the past week so I've been trying hard to limit my time on the computer. Does anyone ever find that when you spend alot of time of the computer that your right shoulder aches from click that mouse so much? Maybe it's just me?? It's a new thing for me and it stinks.


  1. Hi Vicki,
    I am so glad you stopped by and left a comment! It is so nice to meet you!
    I love love looooooooove your jewelry creations!
    That valentine rose necklace is to die for!
    {Anything with cherries on it?}

    Hugz from one Cherry Chick to another!

  2. It was my pleasure Dolly. Thank you for your kind words. ;-)
    Lots of cherry jewelry at my website
    Did you check it out?
    Hugz back at ya...Vicki


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