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Sunday, July 11

Sharing ME Monday...

Don't let it be said that I am not dedicated to our Mary Engelbreit Monday! My internet service went down on Friday at home so I've made the trip out this evening to my local McDonald's to use their Wifi. I only have about 30 minutes of battery tip left on my laptop and no electrical outlet in site here. Yikes!!
I had hope to offer a Mary Englebreit giveaway this week but because of my limited time I will hold off until next week.
I'm sharing what I think are a few of my "unique" Mary Engelbreit items this week. I have a limited edition print in my office "Home" that came from ME. Next I have a few of the many ME watches that I have collected over the years. I once sold them for the manufacturer who made them. My third item is from a line of tolietries that once was sold under Mary's license. I have a bottle of liquid soap to share here. Last, is a very well used rubber jar opener that I got because of my subscription to Mary's Home Companion magazine. Does anyone else have one of them??
Thanks so much for joining us on this ME Monday. Please share your ME item pictures with us.

Welcome, again, to Mary Engelbreit Monday. Please join us and post the link to your blog with the related Mary Engelbreit pictures to share with everyone. It can be a ME licensed product or something that was "inspired" by Mary Engelbreit's artwork. It "should" be a photo that you took of something that you own. We're flexible here....let's have fun above all else.
Once you've posted your picture come back and add your link in Mr. Linky below. Please share the link back to my blog so that everyone can take part in sharing their post and picture.


  1. Awesome things! I am heading to St. Louis, ME Country! on Wednesday.

  2. Love the watches. I have several of those too. I'll have to dig those out soon.

  3. LOVE all things ME!!!

  4. Vicki, Be sure and hold on to that rubber opener! Don't you know that is what will be a "rare" item in the future! This is such a fun way to share ME love, and I look forward to visiting the other bloggers. Thank you for sharing! Elizabeth

  5. Vicki, I'm so excited about those watches! Another thing that I didn't know ME made. I was just telling my daughter that I want to start collecting watches, and she does too. I hope to find an ME watch of my very own someday, and have a really nice collection like you do!
    Happy ME Monday!

  6. Love the watches - I have the one with the little scottie dog that goes around as the second hand.

  7. Vicki,
    Oh my Goodness, I am so sorry I missed this fun!
    I think I will still make a fun post like this and come tell you when I do. I had one of those jar openers, mine was yellow, think it is long gone though :(
    Didn't we get it for free back in the magazine days?

    You are very fun and I think we must be ME soul sisters.


I love your comments!