Page Index

Tuesday, July 6

Sharing of the Red on Rednesday.....

I'm linking up with Sue & the ladies over at It's A Very Cherry World today to share my Red with everyone. I'm going with Sue's theme of sharing how I "express" myself with Red in my daily life. Below you will find screen shots of the various pages were I have presence on the web. Now that I've gathered it all together it makes me realize how much time I spend on this computer. Yikes! Fortunately, it's from the comfort of my

#1 Would be my blog page here....obviously it meets the Red criteria..... 

#2 Is my Google account Home those cherries from Betsy Johnson....

#3 Is my Twitter Page...yep, got Red there.....

#4 Is my Yahoo home's got that bordello Red look to it I think.

#5 Is my page....

#6 Is my Cherry Chick website....

#7 Is my original website Cherry

#8 Is my shop.....

#9 Is my Shop.....

#10 and last is my computer desktop...if I knew how to get a background on my Photobucket and Flickr accounts I would have 12 but I think 10 will do just fine...someone might think I was obsessive if I had that many. :-)

Please make sure you jump over to see all the other blogs linked at  where everyone is sharing their Red for Rednesday.


  1. Everything is so much fun! I'm a complete techno-know-nothing and hadn't a clue about all this stuff. Thanks so much for sharing all the possibilities with us!

    Happy Rednesday,

  2. Only a serious ME fan would surround herself with that much red! I know whereof I speak.

  3. Love all your cherries. You have them everywhere! Cute!

  4. They're all adorable but I think I like your desktop background the best with all the delicious looking cherries! Now that I see how cute these backgrounds are I really need to take the time to customize mine. Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. WOW you are just the cherry red girl of all times. That was fun, like your creatons. Blessings, Viky

  6. Yes, Rednesday is YOUR day!! Have a happy one!

    Susan and Bentley

  7. Okay, you win! You got more than me! lol! Now, about Photobucket . . . on the top left where it says Albums & Media, Themes, Organize, etc. - click on Themes and go from there!

  8. Oh, I love it! I wish I knew how to do this on all my stuff.

  9. Fun! Fun! Fun! How can you be anything but cheery when you look at all that?

  10. Hello! My name is Elizabeth of Creative Breathing. I was sent here by a friend who just knew I would love your ME style. What a delight to discover your wonderful jewelry and your painted creativeness. Inspiration station for sure! You certainly are a girl after my own cherries! I do hope you will have a chance to visit a most wonderful piece of furniture I have recently purchased for my craft room. Small photos can be seen on my side bar. Many more can be seen by clicking on my Flickr flash badge (hate to have you wade backwards through my many posts) Again, what a delight to discover you! Elizabeth

  11. Wow! I'm impressed not only at your backgrounds, which are wonderful, but also at all the different sites that you manage/access. I could never find the time in my day to do all of that...very, very good management of time. :)
    The Tattered Tassel

  12. I am so loving all your red girl..that is just the coolest..all those pages filled with that absolutely wonderful vibrant colour!!

  13. I’m like Brenda in that I WISH I could figure out how to do all of this fluff. You are the Queen of M.E. Mondays! I am impresses. Hugs, Genie


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