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Tuesday, August 24

The Birthday Boy.....

Thirty eight years ago today I became a Mom to this darling little boy.
Sorry, ladies, but this is the only recent picture that I have of him. There is a little gray in that hair. None in mine, of course! Don't worry about him being embarassed about having his pictures posted on my blog. He never reads my blog....but I did post these pictures along with a few others on his  Facebook page yesterday.  He finally told asked me to stop but his friends thought it was a fun  We'll be getting together for lunch today to celebate his birthday.
Love you "baby boy"....Your mama


  1. Hope you have a great lunch with the birthday boy!

  2. Hi Vicki...

    Ohhh what fun! A Happy Birthday to your son Christopher! He is a handsome man! oldest will turn 36 this year...doesn't seem possible! Wherever does the time go to? Anyway, I have to tell you...I had that very exact color of orange shag carpet in my bedroom when I was a teenager! Yes...and I loved it!!! The walls were my bedroom was orange and yellow! I still love those colors!!!

    Well my friend, I just wanted to stop by to say thank you for coming by and taking a peek at my Summer's Tea on the Veranda! I really enjoyed your visit and sweet note! Thank you, Vicki!!!

    Warmest wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  3. Is Christopher married? I have a darling 29 yr. old granddaughter. Love my bracelet/watch. Delores in Gilbert

  4. Happy Birthday to Christopher ! Great Pics !

  5. Happy Birthday Christopher! Hope you two have a great celebration together.

  6. Happy belated birthday to your son..What a beautiful post that you have shared with us. He was such a cutie and one fine looking man..hmmm..oh ya,, I'm married. forgot for a moment,,LOL..And by the way, he's 38? Did you have him at 12 girl? You one spring chickie poo!!

  7. I'm late arriving here, but hope you and the birthday boy had a great lunch. Cute photos! ~ Sarah

  8. Adding my Birthday Wishes for your son. My "baby" turned 32 in July. But I was just a child when I had him, you know.

    My son won't friend me on those social sites. Hmm, wonder what he is up to?


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