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Sunday, August 15

M.E. Monday

Welcome and please join us and post the link to your blog with the related Mary Engelbreit pictures to share with everyone. It can be a ME licensed product or something that was "inspired" by Mary Engelbreit's artwork. It "should" be a photo that you took of something that you own. We're flexible here....let's have fun above all else.

Once you've posted your picture come back and add your link in McLinky below. Please share the link back to my blog so that everyone can take part in sharing their post and pictures.

Mary Engelbreit Handpainted Glassware
About a million years ago, when I was a manufacturer's rep in the gift/stationery industry, I would travel to Atlanta at least twice a year to attend Gift Shows at the Atlanta Merchandise Mart. Back in the day it was always fun but extremely tiring. Lots of walking and standing and then everyone went out to socialize in the evenings after a long day.  Back in those same days, there was a Mary Engelbreit company store in Alpharetta, GA which is somewhat close to Atlanta. It was probably the closet I was ever going to come to a Mary Engelbreit store. I remember one year when I had gone up for the gift show in July, I went to Dollar Rental Car to rent a car to drive to Alpharetta. At that time you could rent a car by the hour which was much less costly than taking a cab out to where the store was located. This was way before GPS days, I'd never driven in Atlanta before, and they have horrible Interstate traffic there. But I mapped out my journey, made my way to the ME Store and made it back to the Merchandise Mart all within a couple of hours. The glass that is pictured above is one of the things that I bought while in the store. They had a number of handpainted items that I think were unique to the stores at the time. It's my favorite glass, I use it all of the time and I think that it has held up pretty well over the many years since I purchased it. I have some photos that I took from outside the store but back then they didn't have digital cameras so I'm not able to share them here. I don't remember a lot about the trip by I do know that my Misson was achieved. I had been to a Mary Englebreit store!
Bead Tins
The little coffee tins covered with ME Con-tact paper pictured above where given to me this week. I'm on a Misson to find some of this Con-tact paper so if anyone sees it anywhere I will be eternally grateful to you if you would let me know.  They look ever so cute sitting on my work table and will help keep my beads and stuff organized. Plus....they were FREE and we like free.


  1. Can you believe the miracle of the blinking M.E. Heart. I am in just suddenly worked for me tell me that is something really special. Have never seen the contact paper...too cute. Will have to strt searching for you. Now I need to start thinking about my Monday mosaic...that is if I can pull it together.....Hugs, Genie

  2. Those are too cute....they would match my stuff...I gotta have me some of that contact paper too...please let me know where I can find some.....please, please......thanks Norenia

  3. I did not know that ME made contact paper. How cute!!

    Susan and Bentley

  4. Vicki,
    Good news! I found 2 rolls of that same contact paper at a Big you have those where you live????? I am on the hunt for more....let me know if I need to look for you too! :):) Love those little tins!!!!!! ME perfection, even tho I don't think the contact paper is ME! LOL Sandy

  5. ME contact paper....yippee. I will have to check out Big Lots. It is so hard to find ME products. I found some treasures at Michaels not too long ago......all one dollar.
    There is a new craft book out but I haven't been able to find it. It's by Leisure
    Arts. If anyone sees it will you please email me There used to be a ME store at Cherry Creek Mall in Denver.How cool is that. I miss that store and the magazine. When I figure out linky I will post the few things I have.

  6. I will stop by our BigLots after work tomorrow.....and let you know if I find some....
    I hope , I hope!!!!!

  7. You are my hero - you actually got to go to an actual ME store! I used to dream about a vacation to Alpharetta - even more than I wanted to go to the Longaberger factory in Dresden, OH. My hat is off to you!

  8. Oh, I like the way you think. I've never been to an ME store, but would love to have an opportunity. Love the hand painted glass. ~ Sarah

  9. OK~I posted a picture of ssomething that is ME inspired on my blog. I love miniatures and I love Mary~put those together and you get CUTE!

  10. Hi Vicki!
    Love that little glass -- and yes it HAS held up well. I love the story of renting the car to get to the ME store.

    Love the ME contac paper -- I'll be on the lookout.


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