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Friday, August 20

She really, really needed it.........

As most of you who read my blog know, I design jewelry and sell it on my websites, my shop and my shop. A lot of my pieces have a "whimsical" flavor to them and I'm inspired by the artwork of Mary Engelbreit. A little over a week ago I got an email from "Pam" who wrote "I LOVE the fried egg flower watch you posted on ME Inspires me on Facebook and I really really need it!" Now tell could I resist a plea like that? I wrote her back that if she "really, really needed it" I would be happy to make her one. She, also, wrote me in that email that she was an "avid ME fan". Well...that sealed the deal cuz anyone who is a fan of Ms. ME is a friend of mine. Pam wrote that she was a miniaturist, too. Hummm?? That might be a deal breaker...I've never known a "miniaturist" before. But then I went to the link that she sent me where I found her Oh So Cute little Mary Engelbreit dollhouse. That's how I found out about all of her fabulous little miniature creations. I told her that I would HAVE to share her work with everyone on my blog and she gave me her permission to use her photographs.
Miniature ME Lunch Box Scene
The scene above was created in a 7.5" x 6" tin lunch box. As Pam explained it to me, she works in "scales" of 1 inch and 1/4 inch. This means that 1" = 1 ft. or 1/4" = 1 ft. so you can just imagine how tiny her work is. I was just amazed as I looked at each of her creations.
Click to Enlarge picture
You'll need to enlarge this little photo to see the details of the exterior and interior part of the house that she created in a ME recipe box...that's right....a recipe box. There is a little cat standing on the stool in the kitchen working on a laptop computer..too cute!
Click to Enlarge Picture
This little ME suitcase measures 11" x 7 1/4" but it holds the little miniature ME house with an outside sitting area.
Pam's Clocks or Room Boxes
Pam sells her clocks and room boxes over on her website. She moderates a Yahoo group for miniaturist and teaches others  how to create these wonderful little works of art. Please stop over and see more of her work on her website.
A big Thank You to Pam Junk for allowing me to share her ME Inspired creations.


  1. HOLLY COW!!!!!! These are amazing. I ADORE Mary and have decorated my bathroom and kitchen with Mary's things as well as cherries on my kitchen walls and on my recipe binder. I also LOVE your site and your work. Thanks for making me smile.

  2. Oh, wow! Small world...I know Pam and have taken classes and bought miniature kits from her. She makes wonderful things.
    Always nice when we meet new friends and old friends!
    Thanks for sharing her pictures!

  3. Oh, my - those are truly amazing! Thanks for sharing. I'm going to go look at her blog.

    p.s. I also LOVE your fried egg watches!

  4. Hi Vicki,
    I am so impressed with Pams work. Truly amazing! Thanks for sharing her work and site with us.
    The Tattered Tassel

  5. Omy GOSH! How stinkn cute ! love them Muast go to her website now!


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