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Thursday, September 30

Fresh-Cut Friday

Today I am joining Liz over at Rose Vignettes who celebrates Fresh-Cut Fridays on the first Friday of the month. It's a good reason to buy yourself fresh cut flowers once a month. I'm up for that! Liz says "They can be from your garden or the grocery store. They can be from a garden that you have visited or maybe someone thoughtful sent you posies. Don't limit yourself to a vase!"
These charming pink tulips where given to me by my sweet friend, Anne, who once dated my son, Christopher.  There was no reason for the flowers...she just knew that I loved flowers and that pink is a favorite color of mine. It's wonderful to have friends who think of you for no special reason other than they remember what you love.

How about a "Fresh Flower" watch for you or a friend with matching earrings? You'll find them in my Artfire shop.


  1. HELLO.....It is almost Friday...thank heavens. This has been the longest week of my life. I love your tulips....and a new go, girl. I really like the M.E. vase and pitcher beside the flowers, too. i think the idea of fresh flowers on Fridays is a GREAT idea. We all deserve a few of those in our lives to perk us up. Hope you are well. Will try to touch bases with you over the weekend. FINALLY had a PAYDAY today...oh, happy day!!!!!!!


  2. Hi Vicki! Your tulips are beautiful! As is that watch and earring set! :) Thank you so much for joining in! :)


  3. Beautiful flowers. And lovely jewlery!

  4. I just posted about fresh flowers too...the tulips are lovely!

  5. How thoughtful of your friend, and your beads are beautiful!

  6. Just visiting from Fresh Cut Fridays! I love your beautiful tulips and the sweet jewels are so pretty too. Enjoy them all.

    Best wishes,

  7. Pretty flowers an jewelry!

  8. What beautiful pink tulips. Your watch and earrings are so sweet and fun!

    Susan and Bentley

  9. I love tulips and these are beautiful! What a thoughtful gift. Your jewelry is so lovely and unique.

  10. Your art is so very special. The special care you take to make each piece unique makes them heirloom treasures. Looking back through posts, I am amazed at the wonderful tiled table you created and am especially waiting to see what you make with the fried egg flowers. Now that would have my name written all over it! have a lovely weekend! Elizabeth

  11. Vicki, I'm glad you have such a thoughtful friend because I know YOU are certainly a thoughtful one. I love to give and receive fresh flowers. Happy Day! ~ Sarah


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