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Sunday, September 19

ME candlelight.....

Let it never be said that I am not dedicated to ME Mondays. I am online out in the dark at our suite in Lake George, NY. The only internet seems to be out on the balcony and the porch light is not working so I have a candle out here but it's not doing me much good. We are having a wonderful time but we are a little too early for the fall colors. I'm so enjoying the cooler weather though. Yeah for cool weather!
Have you ever seen a Mary Engelbreit Calendar holder? This is one that I have had for a long time but I find that the ME calendars of current years do not fit in the holders. This is an outdated calendar that I am showing today. Sorry for the short share but it is tough to type in candlelight. now the BF just came out and showed me that there is a display light for the when I am finished with my post! Better late than's still wonderful to be blogging from the Adirondacks of NY. I will have pictures to share this coming week.

Please join us and post the link to your blog with the related Mary Engelbreit pictures to share with everyone. It can be a ME licensed product or something that was "inspired" by Mary Engelbreit's artwork. It "should" be a photo that you took of something that you own. We're flexible here....let's have fun above all else.

Once you've posted your pictures come back and add your link in Linky Tools below. Please share the link back to my blog so that everyone can take part in sharing their post and pictures.


  1. YOu weren’t fooling when you said you would make your post deadline. Well, I was sitting here for the hands on the clock to hit 7:00 and up mine went. Your calendar holder is really sweet. I have never seen one, plus all of mine are smaller. Again, thank you so very much for my pin. I saw it in a post you put up a while back, but thought it was one of those “prototype goodies” like I always do. I was NOT expecting to arriver moi in the mail...I really did get excited. Hope you had a great trip and are home safe and sound.


  2. Oh, I'm happy you are having a terrific time in the mountains. Enjoy the cool weather. Thanks for the ME dedication! ;-)
    ~ sarah

  3. Hi Vicki!

    Welcome to the Adirondacks! I'm Martha and I was reading comments to Kim at Cheap Chic Home and saw yours near mine. I am always interested in other people's blog designs and was intrigued by the cherries in your profile thumbprint, so I thought I'd check out your blog. (really cute blog design, BTW)

    Little did I know that you'd be posting tonight from what is pretty much my back yard! I don't know if you're a first time visitor, or if you've been here many times, but if you need any tips on dining out or places to see, just pop over to my blog and leave me a question/comment. I'd be more than happy to give you some recommendations. Enjoy your stay!

    Peace, Martha

  4. What a great BF! Hope you are having a lovely time enjoying the cool weather and fabulous company. Love the ME calander holder. You always find great ME picks for Mondays! Hugs, Heather

  5. I like the calendar holder - I've not seen one of those. Hope you're having a great time!


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