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Monday, October 11

And the Winner Is!!!!.... Ms. Genie

I just did the ole random number generator thingy for my ME Giveaway tonight and my sweet friend, Ms. Genie, from Buttons for Baga blog is the Winner. I know she will be tickled pink. Please stop by to congratulate her. A big thank you to all of you who joined the're all "winners" in my eyes. Some have suggested that they would rather have a piece of my jewelry so I'm thinking that's what we'll do next time I have a giveaway. Stay tuned.


  1. THANK YOU< THANK YOU< THANK YOU....I have NEVER won anything except a popcorn popper about 45 years ago...I can’t wait. You are just too sweet. Hope all is well down there in nice warm Florida. Love you...Ms. Genie

  2. pant....pant.....pant....

    Really? A jewelry giveaway? I'll be first in line! :)

    Congrats to Genie! Couldn't go to a nicer person!


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