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Wednesday, October 6

An "Opportunity With CSN Stores".....

I'm sure you've seen it before...a CSN Gift Card Giveaway. Well, I received an email back on September 23rd from Caitlin E. on behalf of CSNPromoTeam offering up a $35 gift card or an opportunity for me to do a review of their products. She goes on to flatter me by writing that they are "seeking out high quality websites and blogs"...who me? "We love the look and feel of your blog"...oh..must be a form letter. ;-)
Anywho, I was in one of those "It's all about me moods" so I've decided to "review" a couple of the items that can be purchased from their 200+ online stores. Seriously, it has taken me forever to look through the bazillion things that you can purchase from them. They've got everything from coffee tables to Cherry Flip Flops. Yes, you read it right! They have coffee tables!
 So I'll be putting in my order for a couple of their items soon and then I'll let you know what I think after they arrive.

But just so you don't think it's always "all about me" I'm offering up a little Giveaway, too. Did you see the "fancy intense pink" 24.78 carat Pink Diamond that is being sold by an unidentified private collector at Sotheby's next month? They're expecting it to fetch up to $38 million dollars.
Well, that's not what I'm giving away. I was just wondering if you saw how beautiful it is. I've already forwarded the Yahoo! story to the BF. Hint..Hint.
But what I am giving away is this cute little trio of Mary Engelbeit matching items.Ta-Da! Friends are the Flowers in the Garden of Life
All you need to do to enter the Giveaway is leave me a comment on this post and tell me if you seriously thought I was giving away a 24.78 carat Pink Diamond. As!
I will do a random drawing in the evening on Monday, Oct. 11th, and announce the winner then.


  1. I got the same form letter..tee hee..I chunked that I see those flip flops I wish I had kept it.I would take one of your pieces of jewlery any day over that diamond.

    Hugs Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  2. No.. I didn't think you were serious. Unless being an artisan is more lucrative than I thought!

  3. I have received a couple of those "form letters" and chuck them too. I love the flip flops you found though and now maybe I will reconsider giving them some of my blog space for a day or so (lol). Good luck and thanks for sharing.

  4. Not serious.
    The flip flops are great though.

  5. I was going to be shocked but I love the ME stuff.

  6. Do you ever slow down, girlfriend??? I cannot imagine looking at all of those thing. At least you found the cherry flip flops. They are TOOOOO CUTE FOR YOU!!! You are going to have to take a photo on your feet. Have fun reviewing. I will take the ring, thank you mamma.


  7. Gotta tell you - I like the cherry flip flops better than the diamond. I'm a simple girl myself - grew up on Long Island... Sorry - I'm in song-talking mode!

  8. Congrats on getting the review offer from CSN!

    I had to reread the diamond part twice, because I wasn't fooled but then again...I wanted to double check. hehe! I'm gullible, I guess.

    Thanks for your kind comment on my blog! I can't wait to see how your office chair turns out!

  9. Oh, how I wish you were giving away that diamond!!
    Your ME giveaway items are so cute, especially those socks!!
    The Tattered Tassel

  10. I have had such fun catching up on your recent posts! I love your Boobie bracelet, and your calender collection puts you right up there with Magpie-Ethel! Amazing! Always fun to see your cherry wonderful projects! Elizabeth

  11. I didn't but that would be nice, wouldn't it? LOL I'd love to win the CSN giveaway. Count me in ....Tiffypoot @ (

  12. Just discovered your blog. Love ME things! Don't have a blog -well,yes, a church related one devoted to church 50th anniversary things, but that is temporary. I am at

  13. I'm with Cindy - I'd rather have one of your pieces! But I already have those ME pieces, so please leave me out of the drawing.

  14. I agree with everyone else. One of your pieces of jewelry would mean more to me than an overpriced gem! I would love to win the ME goodies, because unfortunately it will be getting cold any day now, and I'll have to trade in my flip flops for some shoes and socks!


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