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Tuesday, October 26

Rednesday and a Cherry Giveaway!

Please join Sue over at It's A Very Cherry World and all of the other wonderful bloggers who will be sharing their Red nesday.
Additionally, I am sharing with Rachelle and her bloggers at

This is a Cherry Chick "Fried Egg Flower" watch. I figured it has some Red in it so it should count for Rednesday. Sometime this week I will be posting my 200th blog post. Yepper...I can hardly believe it! I think this one is #198 so by Friday I should be on #200. If you've read my Tuesday post you know that I will be announcing who the "mystery woman" is on Friday, too.

To celebrate my 200th post I am going to giveaway the FEF watch to one lucky lady.  I never thought about having a giveaway with my jewelry until a couple of friends suggested it during my last giveaway. asked for it you got it!

Here's the way you'll can get multiple entries~
1) Become a new Peep (follower) of my blog here or if you already are a Peep leave me a comment here on Rednesday telling me your are.
2) Tell me in a comment here on Rednesday that you would like to have the FEF watch.
3) Leave a comment on this coming Friday's post when you find out who the "mystery" woman is.

Please remember that if you don't have a blog or at least put your email address in your post if it's non-reply, I won't know how to contact you if you are the "Lucky Lady". Help a girl out, please.
I will use the "random number" picker on ME Monday (Nov. 1) and announce the winner then. Thanks so much for helping me celebrate and for reading my random thoughts of jibberish. :-)


  1. I am a follower of your cute blog. I would love to have this watch. It is so cute.

  2. I just became a follower and would love to win this beautiful watch!

  3. I would love having that watch. So unusual. I am becoming a new follower. My luck at winning giveaway does not have a very good tract record. I truly hope the random number picker stops on me,

  4. You know I am a HUGE Peep. Can’t wait for my watch to arrive....that will be a Happy Day for Miss Genie. You are tooooo sweet with this giveaway. Can’t wait to find out the Mystery Lady! Happy Rednesday, GF.

  5. That is absolutely adorable! What a wonderful giveaway! Count me in. :)

  6. Well lets see.. I am a stalker..I mean follower!! But I consider myself a friend!!

    Hugs Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  7. I am a follower, and I would love to own this beautiful watch! :)

  8. Oh, how I would love to win this giveaway. Just love the watch and ME!

  9. Since I happen to know how pretty your watches are-I wouldn't mind having one of my own to wear with my cherry blouse and cherry shoes...Lol----- T. Pompeo

  10. I course I'd love to win your FEF watch! It's so pretty! I'm a follower.

    I'll be back to see who the pretty lady is on Friday :)

  11. I just found your blog. Love it as I am a ME fan big time. I have every issue of Home Companion. Fell in love with the watch.

  12. I just joined your followers. Yeah!

  13. Hi Vicki, congrats on your 200th post! I love that FEF watch and would love the chance to win! Have a great day, Nan

  14. Hi,Vicki,
    It's me Patsy in Jax. a huge ME fan. Love your blog and all of your jewelry. You certainly have left your mark on the homemade world as well as on the blogging scene. Congratulations on your accomplishments.
    The watch is adorable and would be so at home on my wrist. :)

  15. I already have one of Vicki's watches so truly know how lucky the winner will be!!

  16. Hi Vicki! Happy pending 200th! Thanks for coming over and visiting my kitchen porch. I don't have a kitchen sink..yet,but there is a vintage pump..hehe I did find a 1950's Tappen stove
    a neighbor was throwing good condition...needs new wiring and gas hose... She said if I could haul it off I could have it for free. Well I sped Jim and the pick-up...sped back and on we loaded it. Now that was a year ago? I haven't shown it yet cause it's actually sitting down back, but eventually I hope we can add more decking to the area to the right of the kitchen door with a roof and use it for either a buffet type server or potting bench. The next thing I'd like is a 40's wringer washer to place with geraniums during the summer. I almost had one a year ago for $35 at a flea market, but had no way of getting it home:( I've been very blessed when decorating outside most of the things have been gifts, free, or just a few $$ If not we wouldn't be able to have outdoor rooms.
    Now to the important thing...LOVE the watch!
    I've been a follower for quite a while :)
    Okay that said now I have to sit with my fingers, toes, legs, and yes, even eyes crossed
    to win this.

  17. Oh i have been hearting that watch for awhile! I am a follower and I want that watch! lol. Mishelle

  18. I am a fairly new peep and I love getting your posts and seeing what kind of wonderful items you have created! Owning your FGF watch would be fantasic. I have loved ME for years. Keep up the great work!

  19. What a gorgeous watch Vicki and a great post! Congratualations on 200 posts!


  20. I read your blog all the time and love your jewelry. I would love to be the winner of the watch. I'm also a big fan of ME. It is nice to know there are so many good people in blogland so keep on blogging. Dorothy

  21. I am a follower #80 now. Love your template here and the FEF watch it's gorgeous! ^_^

  22. Well, of course I follow you - us cherry chicks got to stick together! Yes, I want the watch - who wouldn't?!

    Happy 200th! You're half as old as I am, lol! By the way, I just know the mystery woman is you! ;)

  23. I just discovered your blog and I love your designs. I look forward to following your blog and learning more about you and your work. If I win the watch, that will be icing on the cake!

  24. Oh my gosh. Yes yes yes, I want that piece of jewelry. It is fabulous! Thank you so much for offering it on your giveaway. Now you will have to come over to my blog and join me for my giveaway. It is party time today. Thanks.

  25. your blog is adorable, and so is your jewelry. I would LOVE to have this piece. thanks :)

  26. Okay, first of all, I am totally loving this, colors and all. Second, how on earth is it that I was not already on your google follow? I had to double check to make sure. But am now. ;) And third, count me in this super giveaway.

    Now, who is that mystery woman? Can't wait but have a feeling. ;) Oh, and I'm glad you liked the cookies. Much love!

  27. I would just love to win the watch, it is so charming and I would be proud to say I WON.
    Thanks for a wonderful blog that I so enjoy.
    Sharon K

  28. What a gorgeous watch you've made, and of course I would love a chance to win it!
    Happy REDnesday!

  29. Yeah! New to the blog and my birthday is tomorrow. If I am lucky I may get an additoinal birthday present. Your jewelry is gorgeous!

    Thanks for the fun event!


  30. Hi, I am a happy new follower . I would love to win the beautiful watch .

  31. When I saw the watch on todays post I had forgotten to say I wanted this beautiful watch..I do!!

    Hugs and squeezes..Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  32. Wow! 200 posts! I know how much work goes into that! I'm already a follower! Love your work and your blog!

  33. Oh dear! Of course I would love a ME watch by YOU! After all, isn't Mary one of YOUR followers? I see I'm not the only who forgot to say I would love that watch!

  34. Been following your for a while now. Enjoy your blog so much and would love to have that watch. So cute!

  35. Happy 200th! What a great giveaway. I love your watch. So awesome!! Thanks for hosting a great giveaway! Love & blessings from NC!

  36. i assume the contest is already over, but i nevertheless still love & want the watch! :-) in fact, i am cybersalivating over those too-cute-for-words beadsies!

    maureen white

  37. I know i missed out on this one as i just found you!!!

  38. First time seeing this. I have followed ME for many years, have several collectible teapots! Yes, I would love this watch. I also do beading...where to find the beads? Contact me at Thanks, and I will follow you and your lovely items.


  39. Just found you via Goody Beads on FB, what a lucky find! LOVE this watch! What an inspiration your site is, thanks!


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