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Sunday, November 21 it yourself style ;-)

Welcome, again to Mary Engelbreit Monday. Please join us and post the link to your blog with the related Mary Engelbreit pictures to share with everyone. It can be a ME licensed product or something that was "inspired" by Mary Engelbreit's artwork. It "should" be a photo that you took of something that you own. We're flexible here....let's have fun above all else.

Warning whining alert!!!!
I wanted to get the link up Sunday night for those who like to post early. I had my "Trunk Show" this afternoon at my friend Kathy's house and I am just "dog tired" tonight. My feet are "barkin" and my back is aching. I've had my hot shower and all I can think about is gettin' in bed with an ice pack on my back and watching the American Music Awards on tv. Hey...and it ain't cuz Miley Cyrus is on there...ugh!
We had an awesome time and it was a wonderful afternoon. I actually remembered to take pictures this time of the table display of my stuff. I'll try to get a photo of that up before I crash but I promise to put my M.E. up tomorrow. Thanks for your patience and support.


Once you've posted your picture come back and add your link in Mr. Linky below. Please share the link back to my blog so that everyone can take part in sharing their post and picture.


  1. Oh sweetie..take some advil or pack or heating pad..some choclate chip cookies..and some warm drink..and just relax!! Looking forward to hearing about the sale.

    Hugs Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  2. Oh I wish I was there! I hope it was fun. I hope you are all recuperated now. Forgot to take my pictures this afternoon. I'll try to catch the next Mary E. Monday!

  3. Vicki,
    I understand your pain! I did a Craft show last year and it was my last....I hurt for days! LOL I agree with Cindy, take something and get showers do wonders! LOVE your table after photo! I would just go nuts! :):) Thinking of you.....Sandy

  4. Vicki, I am absolutely in love with your Grinch bracelet. Your creative talent just amazes me and makes me smile. I hope your show was very successful. Lots of happy customers I am sure! I finally figured out how to link and have done that. Thank you so much for hosting our ME Mondays! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday! Elizabeth

  5. Just found out about ME Mondays from Creative Breathing. I have all my issues and would love to participate next time. Hope your show was a success. I did an open house, then a ladies night then a high school craft show this past weekend. Three days in a row, what was I thinking?

  6. Vicki, I'm a bit late linking, but here I am. ;-)
    Hope you feel better today and that the show was a huge success.
    Have a grand Thanksgiving! ~ Sarah

  7. WOW - it looks beautiful and I hope you had a successful sales day. Were the sort feet and back worth it? It's a lovely display.

  8. I love your display set up. You will have to let me know how it went :)


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