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Tuesday, December 14

Happy Rednesday Christmas Style

I'm joining up with Sue from over at "It's a Very Cherry World" and all of the other wonderful ladies who are sharing their Red today on Rednesday. You must stop by and see Sue's fabulous post today. She is one clever lady.

This is the "red" Christmas box that I made for sweet Sarah over at Hyacinths For The Soul. We both participated in a box exchange via Debby's Cozy Blanket blog.

Here's what was inside her box.

Last, but not least, is my collection of Mary Engelbreit "I Love Christmas". I found that I have more ME Christmas than I had thought. I'll be sharing more on ME Monday cuz right now I have run out of steam. I'm feeling "drained" these days.

Happy Rednesday!


  1. That box is so cute! You did a great job.

  2. What a fabulous collection! I like that little boy ornament - will have to try and find one!

  3. I know Sarah's blog and I know she must love your box and gifts! Everything was so special!

  4. Vicki, it's fun to see my sweet box featured. I have it under our tree. It is a treasure! ~ Sarah
    I ran out of steam too. I never got my M. E. post done for this week. Will have one for next Monday. ;-)

  5. oh sweet what a fun swap...From a fellow ME blogger...tee hee...Mica

  6. No doubt your friend was very pleased with this package. You created some lovely things.

  7. Very cute...Happy Rednesday....blessings

  8. Darling reds and of course love all the ME Christmas!

    Happy Rednesday,

  9. Love ME and your box is adorable! Your swap partner will love it!

  10. It's the most wonderful time of the year, and the most exhausting too! Love your ME Christmas collection, and your swap partner is one lucky chick!
    Happy REDnesday!

  11. I love the I LOVE CHRISTMAS boy. :-D

  12. Love it. Glad you had fun with the swap. We need to do it again next year. Merry Christmas.

  13. HOHOHO Vicki! That box is so 'jolly' and the ME Christmas is adorable. Isn't it fun to discover things you didn't know you had?


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