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Sunday, December 26

The Last M.E. Monday for 2010.....

Welcome, again to Mary Engelbreit Monday. Please join us and post the link to your blog with the related Mary Engelbreit pictures to share with everyone. It can be a ME licensed product or something that was "inspired" by Mary Engelbreit's artwork. It "should" be a photo that you took of something that you own. We're flexible here....let's have fun above all else.

This isn't my usual sharing for ME Monday but I was so blown away by what I saw that I decided that I needed to get a second opinion. I don't make it over to Ebay much these days but I happened to me over there looking for something specific before Christmas. I'm now thinking that I might be sitting on a Gold Mine or that I'm selling the wrong kinda stuff.
See that "used" ME rubberstamp pictured above??? Someone over on Ebay is asking for a "Buy it Now" price of $25 big ones for it AND $5.95 for shipping it.
Okay...the three ME Christmas socks above that have been available at Michaels for $1 a pair or even .80 if you happened to use their 20% off your entire purchase coupon. Someone is asking for a Buy It Now price of $15 for the 3 pairs of socks AND $3.50 for shipping.
This one totally blew me! A few months back my neighbor, Paddy, and I were 'junkin' in a Goodwill store when she spotted this same 'mug' and made me buy it for I think $2. I wasn't crazy about it because I don't really care for the colors. I've never even featured mine on ME Monday. It just ain't cute. Turns out it's not really a mug. I found out it's was a Teleflora vase for a flower arrangement at one time dated back in 1999. So how much do you think someone is asking for it on Ebay???? Keep in mind they list it as "used". Are you ready??? $25.99 AND $8.95 for shipping! Seriously!!???  
I stopped looking after this last one. But it gave me an interesting idea for a ME Monday post. Now, this plastic ME tray was available at Michaels this summer for three bucks and change at full price. I happened to picked up this same tray when I hit their 70% off sale one day. Making it what?? $1 and change? Someone is asking $20 for it on Ebay AND $15 for shipping. I guess because it's a long tray shipping is more costly???
The last two auction have "ended" and it doesn't appear that they "sold" and the people listing these items are not new to Ebay. One of them has over 2,000 sales. Will people actually pay this kind of money for this Mary Engelbreit stuff??? Most of these things I wouldn't even consider to be "collectible". Like I said...I think I'm sitting on a Gold Mine here in my little ole house.

Once you've posted your picture come back and add your link in Mr. Linky below. Please share the link back to my blog so that everyone can take part in sharing their post and picture.


  1. Wow, that's amazing! That reminds me of how I'm always saying that everything we have/use around our house is "vintage"!
    Wonder if this was one EBay seller or more than one? Would be interesting to look at what items the seller(s) has/have sold previously.

  2. Hi Vicki! I don't know what these eBay sellers are thinking - it really makes me angry. Are they so daft that they think people are really going to pay those prices? Last week I was complaining about the same thing, but with vintage plastic ornaments. Sometimes, if I really want an item, I'll send the seller a note stating that if the item doesn't sell, would they be willing to do a Buy It Now for what I think is a reasonable amount of money. Mostly not!

  3. I can't believe you just figured that out - eBay sellers inflate prices on lots of stuff and put RARE in the description so people will think they're really getting a treasure. ME stuff is hot on eBay - especially older ME stuff. See - a new revenue stream!

  4. It is amazing what some people will do ~ both sellers and buyers.
    You are most definitely sitting on a gold mine.
    I finished my post late today, so I'll link it up next week. Thanks for the long email. Hope you are enjoying some leisure time this week.
    Hugs ~ Sarah


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