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Tuesday, January 25

I promise there is RED for Rednesday....

Please bear with me for the shameless self promotion but I learned how to create my first Youtube video today and I wanted to share it with my 'peeps'. It's only a short 35 seconds in length and I promise you will see some RED in it.  I've been taking a fun emarketing class on Thursday nights and this is one of the things that 'Creative Officer', Chris Krimitsos, has shared with us.  You know me and technology. I'm always willing to try to figure it out. ;-)

Please join Sue and all of the other lovely ladies who are sharing their Red for Rednesday over at "It's A Very Cherry World" & all my fellow bloggers for Feature Yourself Friday.


  1. Very nice Youtube! You did a good job making it. I also joined your facebook page. :)

  2. #!...I cannot believe my name is not among your followers....I rectified that just a minute ago...sorry about that senior moment. #2...You are going great guns with your class. I am really impressed. Yu’re just too good with the computer. You asked about the daisy frame on the Eloise mosaic. It is in Picnik, but it may be one of the ones you get when you get the premium act. I do love it. 4-6 inches of snow due in here tonight and tomorrow....we shall see.

  3. I am so impressed. What a great job you did. Your jewelry is fantastic.

  4. You are too cute! I love your self-promotion and I hope it leads to lots and lots of sales - to the point I can say, "Hey, I knew her when......."

  5. I agree with Sweet Bee..we knew you when!! An awesome video girl..not shameless at all.
    Now Shameless would of been you in the nude or something..oh that would be a different
    I do love what you created went by so fast I watched it 3 times!!
    You should have a lot of sales off this!

    Hugs Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  6. Wow! I'm impressed. You did a great job. Hope it brings you lots of new customers. ~ Sarah

  7. For a first, you did a very nice job. I do not think I would ever attempt to make one of these.

  8. Great video! I hope it helps your business grow by leaps and bounds!!
    The Tattered Tassel

  9. I'm very impressed! I think this video will boost your business tremendously!
    Happy REDnesday!

  10. Very good video, you did a good job. I love the look of your blog and look forward to each new post.
    Sharon K

  11. Congratulations on your first video. That is on my "learn this winter" list. I just (finally) signed up for a youtube account so I can save my favorite videos.


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