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Thursday, January 13

A Sweet Bee Giveaway

My friend, Sweet Bee, over at Sweet Bee Cottage is celebrating her 300th "follower" on her blog except for now she is up to 336 as of this post. Something I can aspire, too, right??
Anywho...she is having a fabulous Giveaway, too, that will end on January 29th.  So if you'd like to be a "wiener" head on over to her blog to check out what you need to do.
P.S. I've already checked out my local Home Goods store and they didn't have this oh so cute two tiered "Goody Server" that I love so if I'm gonna own it I will have to "win" it. Maybe you shouldn't enter her giveaway...just stop by and say hello to that Sweet Bee instead!


  1. Oh, that's so nice of you....I'm going to hop on over and enter, cause I just love that two tiered goodie server! Thanks, Mumzie PS: Love your blog!

  2. WELL, GF, IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO WIN A GIVE-AWAY. I am keeping my fineries crossed for you. I cannot even imagine having that many followers in my lifetime. I think I have hit 66 and for that I am VERY appreciative. Hope your week has gone well. It is almost TGIF!


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