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Sunday, March 6

ME Monday with a Surprise!

Welcome again to Mary Engelbreit Monday. Please join us and post the link to your blog with the related Mary Engelbreit pictures to share with everyone. It can be a ME licensed product or something that was "inspired" by Mary Engelbreit's artwork. It "should" be a photo that you took of something that you own. We're flexible here....let's have fun above all else.
I met a client this week to help her with creating a blog for her real estate business. We met at my favorite little tea spot, Dishtophia, where they are slowing selling out of some of their dishes and Mary Engelbreit collectibles. I had gotten a newsletter from them stating that things were marked down 80% now if you mentioned the newsletter.
Final cost $1.90 including tax ;-)

Click to enlarge for a better view

Imagine my surprise on Saturday when I realized that "Mary" had stopped by my blog to comment on the Cherry Birthday balloon that I shared on Sue's Rednesday last week. Not that Sue's equally sweet comment didn't make me just as Happy.

Now it's your turn....Once you've posted your pictures come back and add your link to the link tool below. Please share the link back to my blog so that everyone can take part in sharing their post and picture.


  1. What a special birthday surprise. That truly is exciting!
    And what a great find. Makes me want to fly out to do some shopping. LOL
    Have a Cherry Week! ~ Sarah

  2. Here you go again getting more M.E. stuff for a steal...and I am OUT! I hope my entry this week really makes you giggle. At first I was ready to cry, but after a little while I just cracked up in laughter. I cannot believe I was so idiotic!!!!!!!! XOXOXO G

  3. $1.90!??! I'm so jealous. What a wonderful find. And what a fun surprise!

  4. Mary stopped by? Every year I give my students a journal topic on who would you love to meet. Guess who mine is?

    Love your sweet new little find!


I love your comments!