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Sunday, July 31

Mosaic Monday & 300th Post

It's hard to believe and it snuck up on me but this is my 300th blog post. I feel like I should have planned for a better celebration. I'll save that for #325 I think. Who'd have "thunk" that I've had that much to share. I remember how hard it was originally to come up with an idea for a post. Some of my first post were pretty lame as I now look back at them.  Here's one of my first ones....not a real page turner..LOL.

Source: via Cherry on Pinterest

Once again I'm joining up with my fellow bloggers over at Little Red House to share a mosaic of photographs for Mosaic Monday.
In case you don't know these are Fuchsia flowers. I just love the plants but I've not been successful with keeping them alive here in Florida. Do you ever look at things, smell things, or hear things that remind you of your past? I find this happens to me often.
Whenever I see fuchsia plants, and there are many different varieties, I think of my friend Steve who once lived in San Francisco.  The plants seemed to be very abundant in California. I have many wonderful memories of trips to SF to visit my friend Steve all the way back in the 70's, 80's and 90's.  This is my post to those wonderful times. We are still friends to this day and I had the chance to see him, again, when he came to Florida in June. There's nothing like old friends who you share great memories with.

Saturday, July 23

Have I lost my mind?

It's a Saturday night and I'm  posting pictures of my cat who is joining a "Kitty Cat Kitty Party"?? Seriously....I need to join a dating website!
My friend Sarah over at "Hyacinths for the Soul" had me  laughing so hard with her post about "Baby Kitties" big day. Then I went over to see what the party was about and laughed some more. There are some very creative bloggers out here.
Debbie over at "Confessions of a Plate Addict" is having a party for her cat "Baby Kitty" and it's a hoot. If you're a cat lover you will appreciate it. If not....I feel sorry for you.
My cat, Missy, has decided to join but she is late. Some dog must have eaten her invite. At least that's what she always tells me about her homework. I hope Baby Kitty likes roses and jewelry.....Enjoy!

Pink Saturday

Source: via Cherry on Pinterest

I know I'm a little late to the "party" but it's still Saturday, right?? I found this wonderfully, fabulous Summer setting while crusing around Pinterest. I would sooooooo enjoy an eating room just like this with all the lovely light from the windows. I love all of the greenery in the room, too. Just yummy looking and so many wonderful shades of PINK.
Please join Beverly and the other bloggers over at "How Sweet the Sound" who are sharing their favorites in pink.

Wednesday, July 20

Happy Rednesday

I'm thinking this would be a really cute idea for a wall in my studio done with all Mary Engelbreit fabrics...huh??
There's a little RED in there so I'm joining up with Sue and friends over at It's a Very Cherry World this week. Stop by to see who else has RED to share.

Sunday, July 17

Mosaic Mondays

Source: via Cherry on Pinterest

It's been awhile since I've joined in on Mosaic Mondays with Mary Carroll from over at the Little Red House. I feel like I did alot of chores this weekend so I made time to play on the computer tonight. I'm joining a number of other bloggers who are sharing their Mosaic photos over on Mary's blog. Please stop but to see what everyone else has to share.
The Mosaic I've shared today is one I found over at Pinterest. It combines my love of flowers and stained glass. There's so much eye candy over at Pinterest.
Thanks for stopping by....

Wednesday, July 13

Happy Rednesday

I'm so happy to be joining Sue and all the wonderful ladies who share on Rednesday over on her blog It's A Very Cherry World. It's been awhile for me but I was inspired to share this fabulous photograph that I found on Pinterest (my new addiction) with all you red fans.  If you haven't found out about Pinerest you need to check it out. It's so much fun to scan all of the interesting things that interest others.
This really has nothing to do with Rednesday but I wanted to share with everyone my excitement over my new printer. Trust me, I'm not out spending all the $$ I've been making the last few months. Even though a few weeks ago I got the Motorola Xoom Tablet computer (love it!) this printer turned out to be almost "free".
I went in one day to use my trusty Canon Pixma printer and the silly thing wouldn't even turn on. How can I print my JoAnn coupons without a printer!! It seems like  everyday I needed to print something once the dang thing wasn't working. Ugh! I checked over at and they had this lovely lady for $98. Well! It just so happened that I had enough reward points on the ole credit card to cash in for 2 $50 Amazon gift cards. It's like it was meant to be! 

I really wanted something that was wireless and I really wanted a scanner, too. The Canon Pixma MG 5220 has both features and it copies.  I finally got around, after having it home for 6 days, to setting it up last night. It was a breeze! I was a little concerned about me being able to connect it to my wireless router but it couldn't have been easier. Can I just say how fabulous it is not to have to carry my laptop into my studio and then connect it to the printer to print something! OMG! I'm so lazy! I printed right from my couch in the living room. Last night I scanned my favorite kitten photo of my Sweet "departed" Rusty. This was taken before they even had digital cameras. I've always loved the photo because it was not "staged" and it was so appropriate. My good friend Kathy brought me the pillow back from Key West one year. In case you can't read it it's embroidered with the words "If I had two dead rats...I'd give you one!" One afternoon I just walked into the living room and saw Rusty sleeping there on top of the pillow in a wicker chair. It was such a "Canon" moment. Now I have a digital copy to share. I printed out an awesome 8x10 photo of Missy, my cat, last night on it, too. Looks great so I'm taking it to the office tomorrow to hang it on my bulletin board. I am one Happy Camper these days! Can you tell? I'm so goofy over technology!
Please pop over to Sue's blog and check out what else is red for Rednesday.

Tuesday, July 12

I Want One!

Wouldn't a little place like this in your backyard make you want to curl up and read a book?  I know that it would sure make me smile.

Saturday, July 2

I'm Xooming now.....

Well....I finally bit the bullet and splurged this week. I paid a ridiculous amount of money for a tablet computer. Don't get me wrong....I love it but over all it's just too much $$. I justified it by telling my self that I really missed keeping up with everyone since I'm not inclined to turn on my laptop when I return home from work at night. Then there was the fact that I got a bonus (happy dance) from work. It's hard to believe I've been there 3 months now. The last reason was that I have not really "treated" myself to anything these past few years so I knew this would make me happy. I'm all about being happy these days. ;-) Life is short!

I had it delivered at work on Tuesday this past week so I would have the long weekend to play with it. Tuesday night I stayed up until 1 a.m. catching up on blogs and  Wednesday night it was 2 a.m. before I got to sleep. I know ridiculous!! Needless to say my butt was dragging by Thursday so I went to bed at a decent hour.
It's Saturday now....I watched my first movie on it this'm just sorry that Netflix doesn't have an app for it, yet. I'm not so sure about reading books on it. I just like the feel of paper and folding back the pages.

Wednesday night when I got home I created my first video with the Xoom. Just like any other proud "cat mother" was a video of my cat, Missy.  Had I realized everyone was going to be able to see the dust on my chairs and baseboards I probably should have thought about dusting first. It's a little too big to see on the blog page but you can see it full screen here.  Oh's my first attempt and I hope to get better at it. I can now video chat but I don't know anyone to chat with except the "man who broke my heart" and it's unlikely I'll be chatting with him.
So....that's what I've been up to lately. I'm hoping to get some sun on Sunday since the doctor told me I am deficient in Vitamin D. Imagine that living in Florida??  I take that skin cancer stuff seriously so I seldom just sit in the sun. 
I'm not sure about the 4th, yet, but I'm sure I'll be having fun doing whatever the heck I feel like.  Let me know if you have a tablet computer and what you enjoy most about yours.