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Friday, August 5

Fresh Cut Friday

It's time again for Fresh Cut Friday over at Liz's Rose Vignettes. I did buy myself fresh flowers last week but I didn't take a photograph of them...sorry.

I'm totally cheating here this month but Liz was sweet enough to send me an email reminder so I just had to participate somehow. I've 'pinned' this fabulous arrangement from Pinterest that I just LuRvE. I love pink and these colors are just so stunning! I wish I did have the arrangement in my home.
Please stop over and see the Fresh Cut Flowers that everyone has shared on Liz's blog here.


  1. A fabulous arrangement indeed !
    I would love in my home as well !
    Bonne journée, bises

  2. The bouquet is stunning, would love to see the apartment it belongs in!

  3. I wish I had that bouquet too! :) Gorgeous! I really need to check out this Pinterest thing! I am really starting to feel out of the loop! :)

    Thank you for sharing your image and joining in for Fresh-Cut Friday!! So happy that you did! :)


  4. It is absolutely stunning!!!!

    Thanks for sharing.


  5. I agree, this rose arrangement is absolutely stunning!
    Have a nice weekend!

  6. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Karie

  7. Oh my..that is so beautiful. My floral teacher would love it...


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