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Monday, September 26

M.E. Monday

I happened to be on my Facebook page Sunday and saw that Mary Engelbreit had posted something about her old magazine 'Home Companion'. I hopped over to her blog to see what was up.'s hard to believe that it's been 3 years since she stopped the publication! It looks like she's thinking about "giving it another shot". "So to convince a publisher and advertisers that this would indeed be a worthy endeavor, we need you to write in and tell us why you’d like to subscribe to the magazine again."

So far there are 373 responses left on her blog. If you want to see the magazine back on the shelves you might want to pop over to her blog and show your support by leaving a comment.
She has a new Facebook feed on her blog page, too. It's funny to see familiar faces there. I saw Jeanne, Christy, Dawn, and Terry that I recognize.
Much success to you Mary with the come back of your publication!


  1. Thanks for the heads up...I will post on it this week.

    Love that magazine!!!!

    Hugs Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  2. I will do just that. I remember the premiere issue with the red white a and blue porch issue( I think kids camp at home) well I loved it and then it was gone. So I would love to see it come back!If for nothing else the paper dolls. lol

  3. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I have voted and commented and intend to spread the word. I loved that magazine so much I can't even tell you. I have saved every issue that I bought. I'm crossing my fingers!!!!

  4. That is great news! I'll post about it too. I have ALL of the issues and would LOVE more. Heading there now! Thanks Miss Cherry Chick!

  5. Thanks for the info about Mary. I heard your wind chime, followed the path and came to a page that I couldn't read and couldn't find the translate button. How did you get the code?

    Thanks, Sandy

  6. I loved that mag. I had a subscription after the premier issue, but after 2 issues I never got another. After many exasperating calls to the subscription line and the publisher they refunded my $$ I was sooo disappointed, but I bought at the store every month. At least I got my issues that way.
    I would love to see it back.


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