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Sunday, January 15

Finally...A new post!

You know it's time for a blog update when a friend sends you an email asking if I you're going to replace the Merry Christmas!
So here's a few things that will hopefully make you laugh. I'm trying to hurry before the Golden Globes come on TV. A girl has her priorities ya know. :-) Enjoy and tell me if you do laugh out loud.

I'd miss the handsome husband...bahaha

I just put in my order with my office partner for Girl Scout cookies. Score...I now have a "connection" for GS cookies! Happy Dance.


  1. Ok...I've lost both my husband and my cat so let me think...hmmmm...I'd keep the cat and let the husband go. It will be easier for him to find a new home. Women are always on the lookout for someone else's husband! Ha! Ha! (Just kidding....NOT!)

  2. Thanks for a good laugh tonight! I'm going to look like that cat after eating the 6 boxes of thin mints that I ordered!

  3. I want Chick Fil A, too. Really bad, but we don't have one here anymore. In fact, it has been since my grown children were little. BUT, one will be opening soon!!! (after much begging)When it opens, good bye Weight Watchers!!

  4. Hahaha! I will think of the cat picture everytime I eat GS cookies. I have 4 boxes on order... now to find a place to stash them so the kids won't find them!


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