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Thursday, March 1

Bad News...Good News

Ugh! I've been Laid Off....

Bad News...yepper...I just found out Tuesday...sigh..

Right now I'm looking at the positive side of things. 
A) I wasn't asked to clean out my desk
B) Hopefully, I'll be back in 30-60 days
3) I now have time to blog!!

I had just come back from a mini vacation of 5 days off to celebrate the "Birthday Week".

It was an awesome week of celebration, time spent with wonderful friends, and very special gifts.  The thing I like most about my birthday week is that I get to spend one on one time with my wonderful friends/sisters.  We checked out a new tea room, lunched, went to the movie, people watched at the mall, had a massage and spent time catching up on each others lives. 
I was feeling pretty special and luckily had no clue as to what would happen next.
Remember that saying "When one door closes another door opens".  While the door may not have closed, more like I just got locked out, it has come at just the precise moment.  Right now there is a wonderful new "top secret" project that I now have the time to work on with my wildly talented friend Heather at Dragonfly Lampworks.  I'll let you know when the big reveal happens...wink...wink. ;-p


  1. Sorry about the job. Hope you get called back when you are ready and not too soon so you can finish the project.
    Happy Birthday.

  2. Sad to hear you are having to deal with this, but I know you'll make the best of it. Good attitude ~ that new door may just be the best yet! Good luck!
    Think of you often. ~ Sarah

  3. Sorry to hear about your job. But happy you have more time to craft! I was layed off quite a while ago with no hopes of call back, and I actually am glad! Who needs money anyhow???????/

  4. Knowing you, you will make the sweetest jam out of these sour cherries! I hope something AMAZING comes your way!

  5. Vickie.....This is awful. The last time we takes things were not too good, but I was not expecting this. Hope you are handling it ok and staying busy with your jewelry and your “Mystery Project.” I cannot wait to see what you all are up to. I am plugging away at school but it is way harder this year than last. I think Mr. M has about thrown in the rag knowing his school will close next year. I am looking to be laid off because of the HUGE cuts. I do not know how we will make it, but at least I can cope with my back better here than at work. Go to UVA for a mylogram, a ctscan and bone density test on 10 Apr. Maybe we will finally know what is going on. Have been going for water therapy twice a week, but insurance has run out so I am out. Take care and keep in touch. genie

  6. So sorry you god laid off - keep the faith! Maybe you could design full time!

    Mister was out of work for 3 years and finally got a job in December. He went from biochemistry to a beer bottle factory doing shift work! But, money is money.

  7. So sorry about the layoff! Scary I'm sure but there are times when we are given blessings in disguise so I will pray that this is one of them and that your new venture is wildly successful and you will not need that job...unless you really want it back?
    Is that a picture of the REAL ME Studios? Or is that YOUR studio? Pretty cool regardless! I love your is so soothing for some reason or is it just my nap time? LOL! Take care and keep us "informed"! Good luck in everything!

  8. Oh! P.S. Happy Belated Birthday and glad you had that BEFORE the layoff!


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