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Thursday, May 31


I finished up this little flower beaded ring last night.  I wore it out this afternoon when my neighbor, Paddy, and I went out for lunch.  I just needed to get out of the house for a change of scenery.  Let's just say that I didn't come home with the ring. ;-) Sometimes it's just nice to share.
Click to get the Gigantic View
I finally put the toggle clasp on this Checkerboard Necklace that I've been beading FOREVER!  It was fun working with bugle beads. I don't get a chance to work with them very much. That's all I got for you today....just a few shares. Happy Thursday!


  1. Adorable ring!!! Love the flower cluster!

  2. Aren't you just the sweetest to give that to your friend! If I was still in the corporate world or ever went out or ever dressed up which I never do and don't plan on ever doing again....I would snatch that black and white necklace. Stunning! I wore a lot of black and white and LOVED spectator shoes. That necklace is killer!

  3. WOW! Your checkerboard Necklace is fantastic! I'm sure if I had made an attempt at one, I'd be dizzy at once! Great job! I'm surprised, though, that you don't have a red cherry hanging from it somewhere! :)


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