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Sunday, June 2

A Very Busy Week

Well it's been so long since I've posted I forgot the html code to use in my title :-)  I attribute my long absence to being busy working and to spending as much time as possible being creative.

On Thursday last week Mary Engelbreit Studios sent out the email blast pictured above.  It was news to me and it, also, was the first time that they had put the Limited Edition Collection of Cherry Chick Jewelry that I have been designing for them the past year, on sale.  The jewelry must have sold like "hotcakes" because they went from 16 designs available on their website down to 1 now.  I mean everything just sold out!  Happy Dance!

I am happy to share that it drove some traffic to my personal websites where I wasn't having a sale.  But that didn't seem to matter.


Fortunately, this week I have been busy creating new designs to sell in my and shops.

 I'm grateful for the positive response and added attention.  I know the stuff will sell if people just know it's out there!  

 A big Thank You to all my wonderful customers and friends.  I truly appreciate your support.  Group Hug!


1 comment:

  1. I am so happy that this dream has come true for you! I remember your posts a couple years ago, this joy was no way in sight! :)



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