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Friday, July 30

Blogging....too funny not to share

I know this isn't like anything that I usually do but I just thought this was so funny I had to share it.  Before I started a blog I thought "What do I have to say that anyone would be at all interested in?" Now I follow blogs because I enjoy reading and seeing what others have to share. Funny how I changed my tune once I just tried it.


  1. That IS funny!

  2. Hi Vicki...

    Girlfriend, I just read your last note that you left on Sunday Favorites! Ohhh my...I have to tell you that I asked those very same questions...especially in the beginning when I first started the Sunday Favorites party. I must admit, I was a bit disheartened because there would be some that would link up to the party and never mention anything about Sunday Favorites. And...I can't tell you how many times I have people link up that never...ever leave a comment...even though I go to their blogs week after week and leave them notes! I feel used! Hehe! Seriously though, I had to establish from the beginning why I was doing Sunday Favorites and what I hoped to accomplish. I came to the conclusion that it's all about fun! Soooo...from that point on...I didn't take any of that seriously! I'm just happy to host the weekly party and I really do enjoy meeting new bloggers such as yourself! I do enjoy giving bloggers the opportunity to share a past post! You know, we all spend so much time with's just a shame that our posts seem to be forgotten about as the new ones come along. Anyway, I just had to come over and say thank you for your comment! Maybe it will make some think...maybe not! I'm just happy to have you join in with the Sunday Favorites party, my friend! And...just as you stated in this post...blogging is a fabulous way for us to share the things that interest us! I love that!!!

    Warmest wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  3. Truer words were never spoken.


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