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Sunday, August 1

ME Monday.....

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In my home office I have shelves on two ends of the room where I display my collection of Mary Engelbreit tins. One side is for Christmas and the other is for everything else. I have fooled around with these photos far too long to try to get them to line up. I give up! I will let the perfectionist in me relax today.

A not so great photograph, of my china cabinet in my kitchen that I use to display some of my ME treasures.


  1. Not only do you have a large amount of very cool ME items, you have some great vintage cookbooks as well.
    Must be a full moon for loading photos. Could not get the ones on the blog to cooperate and now my computer won't recognize my camera at all to upload others!

  2. Your cupboard is really special and I love the shelves with your tins. What a great post. Hope you get a chuckle out of mine....I cannot wait to start putting it together. I also posted my Mosaic Mondays collage with Picnik. Was up at the crack of dawn this morning playing with the telephoto lens on the camera. Hope you had a good weekend. It was cool and wonderful here.....finally.


  3. What fun to have these ME tins out all the time. I have mine stored in boxes to bring out for specific seasons. Just don't have the room to keep them out all the time. Great idea to have these shelves. ~ Sarah

  4. Holy Guacamole! Or should I say Holy Cherry Pie! You, my dear, truly have a magnificent collection! I love how you have your tins displayed.

  5. Oh my, how cute! I love ME too. My office has ME curtains and I will probably continue the theme in here.

  6. Love all your tins. Love to see all your goodies..

  7. Hi Vicki! Wow ~ you have such a great collection of ME!!!

    Susan and Bentley

  8. Hi! Love all the ME tins. I keep an old greeting card of hers, framed, near my desk -- with the caption "snap out of it!" and the picture of a girl GLARING out at me. It never fails to crack me up.

    thanks for visiting That Old House. You are right, we have not painted Lucy the Chair yet -- it's been so BLOOMING HOT!!!! Heck, we have barely managed to mow the lawn. If by "we" I mean my husband.


  9. You need my ME Queen of the Kitchen towel for your collection!


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