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Sunday, September 5

IKEA is not for MEa on ME Monday...

It's a Rollover Picture
Ugh! Don't even ask me how many hours I spent trying to figure out this After and Before Rollover code! I even had instructions...sigh.

For a long time now, I have grown weary of looking at the mess in my backroom where I design my jewelry. Last weekend I got this brilliant idea to see what kind of furniture I could find at IKEA that would give me workspace and storage space. I wanted to move everything to my unused office room so that I can close the door and people who visit me would not see all the bead hoarding I have done. 
Well last Monday by sweet neighbor, Paddy, who is always up for an adventure, made the trip with me over to IKEA. We had been once before when they first opened, well over a year ago, but not since then. I saw what I wanted online but we decided to walk the store just for the exercise.  Little did I know that I was expected to pull my own boxes off of the shelf, load them on a cart, and wheel them up to the cash register. After paying for them we had to load them into the car by our self.  Yikes! I wonder if they have lawsuits out the kazoo from people hurting themselves trying to rustle up the boxes off of the shelves in their warehouse. I had to ask a very nice woman shopper passing by me if she would mind holding my cart while I maneuvered the second huge box on to it. THEN the gal at the cash register had the nerve to act annoyed when she could not scan the price code because I hadn't loaded the 1000 lb. box in the right direction! Paddy smiled at me while I "politely" shared my opinion with the cashier on "allowing" customers to fetch their own boxes.
I have assembled massive amounts of furniture in my lifetime but I can't say I've done any in the last three years. This was far too much work for me. What a pain it was trying to shove all those little dowels in the holes and then try to get the other holes to line up. That's when I more IKEA for Me.
I'm very happy with how things are progressing and I still have more to organize but I thought I would share what I have accomplished here on Mary Engelbreit Monday since my office/workspace is filled with ME stuff.
A  few more Before pictures....
Click to Enlarge
More Afters........

Please join us and post the link to your blog with the related Mary Engelbreit pictures to share with everyone. It can be a ME licensed product or something that was "inspired" by Mary Engelbreit's artwork. It "should" be a photo that you took of something that you own. We're flexible here....let's have fun above all else.

Once you've posted your pictures come back and add your link in Linky Tools below. Please share the link back to my blog so that everyone can take part in sharing their post and pictures.


  1. I thought you were going to post ONE, you have done a phenomenal job of picture taking and furniture assembly and arranging. Your pieces are precious...what a neat and cool workroom. I am really jealous!


  2. Love what you did! It looks great! So much inspiration right at your fingertips. It's getting too late tonight to post some ME, but I'll be back in the morning.

  3. Hey Vicki thanks for the invite to contribute to your ME Mondays. Sadly I have no idea how to do this. But here is the link to my blog and as you know the last few posts there are all ME related. Have a great day

  4. Vicki, Truly your blog is a place of inspiration and fun and always leaves me with the desire to return again and again for just one more look. There is something cute in every pixel! I especially love the covered drawers of your storage dresser. If I could begin again.... a ME home would be for me! Have a lovely weekend! e

  5. How wonderful! Do you hire out? I'm needing my studio re-organized :) I can't wait to see what wonderful goodies you create next in your awesome new workspace.

  6. Vicki,
    I am amazed!!!!! It was a cute cute room before but now, wow I would never want to leave it!!!!!! Your ability to decorate ME style is just amazing!!!!! If I buy the plane ticket will you come finish my room???? LOL I applaud you and your freind!!!! That IKEA furniture is tough stuff to deal with! But it turned out perfect!!!!!!!! Sandy

  7. That is so funny that you were at Ikea....that is EXACTLY where we were also,LOL..just thousands of miles away but the same store. Is it not WILD that we not only have to get the boxes loaded ourself, BUT have to look for the flipping stuff down in the 'warehouse' part,,My goodness.

    Oh Vicki, I can't tell you how it did my heart good visiting your craft room. Oh my girl, what an amazing job. What an amazing craft room. I just LOVE LOVE it!!!

  8. Too cute! I'm on ME overload just looking at it! I've never been to Ikea - am I missing something great?

  9. Hey Vicki! What a great makeover. The room looks bigger and brighter.

  10. Oh god i hate putting furniture together, pain in the butt.. That is why i was so happy to find my desk all put together, come see my post. Your room looks Awesome! I think we were both redoing are M E rooms at the same time. lol.. mishelle

  11. What a fun place you have to get creative!!

    Susan and Bentley

  12. Om Goodness.....what a room. I promise I will do the linky thing soon. My brain can't concentrate right now. I am in love with the ME chair quilt. Did you make it.

  13. I love your room. You are an inspiration.
    I guess IKEA will not be on my bucket list.
    I had never seen a rollover picture before. Love it!
    I am adding this post to my favorite links.

  14. Great job, looks like a great place to get creative.

  15. what a great little space and your jewelry is fab!! Robin

  16. Looks like a very cozy and creative place to me! :)

  17. Rollover?! Wow, I never even knew you could do that on blogspot, neat. Based on your space you seem to be a fun person. There is so much to look at, makes me smile.

  18. Funny story about IKEA... as I am at this very moment procrastinating about putting together a piece from there. It is laid out on the floor, with all of the 'little dowels' etc. but I'm just not feeling like doing it!

    Cute room.
