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Sunday, February 27

ME Monday

Welcome again to Mary Engelbreit Monday. Please join us and post the link to your blog with the related Mary Engelbreit pictures to share with everyone. It can be a ME licensed product or something that was "inspired" by Mary Engelbreit's artwork. It "should" be a photo that you took of something that you own. We're flexible here....let's have fun above all else.

It's been a busy weekend with the Birthday Celebration continuing all weekend long. I actually received a few Mary Engelbreit gifts from my dear friend Christina that I'm sharing this week.
A rubber stamp that says it all!

A Christmas tin to add to my collection
Enlarge image to read easier
 Audrey, one of my customers, peeps, and new friends reminded me this weekend about this wonderful poem from Mary's book The Blessings of Friendship.  If you follow my blog you've often heard me speak of my sweet neighbor Paddy.  This so describes how I feel about our friendship and I wanted to share it today with everyone. I hope each of you has a neighbor who you can share this with.
Sorry about the glare :-(

Did you see the Mary Engelbreit Giveaway that Geralyn from Greeting from Geralyn linked to ME Monday last week? You have until March 7 to pop over to her blog to enter  her generous giveaway celebrating her 300th Blog post. 

Now it's your turn....Once you've posted your pictures come back and add your link to the link tool below. Please share the link back to my blog so that everyone can take part in sharing their post and picture.


  1. Happy to hear the birthday girl has continued to celebrate. I believe in celebrating for weeks! ;-)
    Looks like we are on the same "Mary" page. Don't you just adore this desk calendar?
    Have a terrific week! ~ Sarah

  2. Hi Vicki ... I'm so glad you had fun. Thanks for stopping by. LOL! What a post that one was. Happy ME Monday, and thanks for the tip on the give away.

    God bless,


  3. Thanks so much for sharing the giveaway on your all the Mary on your site!!!! I am going to share on facebook!!!!!

  4. You are truly blessed with great friends! Love that tin and the book. Thanks for hosting the ME fun.


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