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Friday, February 25

Birthday Girl !!!

Yepper....Today is MY Birthday. Lots of lovely cakes for ME. None of which I made or ate but they sure are cute!
I've just enjoyed collecting the photos from Google images over the years and seeing how creative people can be.

The Birthday "Event" celebration started on Thursday. Lunch with a friend who is also a client. A wonderful surprise email from an old friend who I've not heard from in 3 years. A sweet phone call from a friend and former client who's moved away. Two boxes waiting on my front step via the USPS from Ms. Christina. One was for Christmas and one is for my Birthday. So she's a little slow on's the thought that counts plus she was a day early on the Birthday!

There's been a thoughtful email from my friend Heather @ Dragonfly Lampworks wishing me a Happy Birthday with a big Hug.

My friend, Anne, stopped by Thursday evening with a sweet pot of pink tulips. AND this most perfect and Fabulous Birthday Balloon for me. What was probably going to be a quick trip on her way home from work ended up being an emotional evening of "girl talk". It was almost 11 pm when she headed home.
I was jumping up and down like a 3 year old when she brought  the balloon in for me! She knew that I would just love it when she saw it. It is Perfect....right?
My "dance card" is full tonight....dinner with my dear friend, Kathy, and then we will be attending 'Marie’s Market Soiree'. I just happened to read about it in the Where Women Create magazine a few weeks ago.

"The evening will be full of lovely things, friendly faces, pretty projects, wonderful raffles, and chocolate fondue! Not to mention there will be a vast array of beautiful vendor booths full of pretties for your shopping pleasure."

Sounds like a good time...right? I'll let you know how it was.
Sunday will be a Champagne brunch with my friend Kristi at Oystercatchers on Tampa bay. What a lucky lady I am to have such wonderful friends to celebrate with. I'm sure I'll have a follow up post.
I'm definitely Featuring Myself this Please join Rachelle and the other bloggers who are sharing.


  1. Happy Birthday Cherry Chick!
    My birthday is the 27th......

    Love all the wonderful cakes you found! Would'nt it be nice to receive one for our birthdays?
    That cherry balloon is awesome! What a wonderful friend you have!

    Sounds like your birthday is filled with fun and family!
    Enjoy, Hugs, Dolly

  2. arghmmmm...(throat is early

    Happy Birthday to you.
    Happy Birthday to you.
    Happy Cherry Birthday to Vicki
    Happy Birthday to you!!!!

    Sang with love..laughter..and lots of hugs!!

    Have a great day girlfriend...wished I lived closer so we could party allllll night!!
    That baloon is just perfect!!!Have fun and eat lots of chocolate!

    Hugs from Cindy Rick-Rack and Gingham

  3. Oh what a wonderful dance card!! Enjoy every step of the dance and may the tune be merry, merry, merry!! Happiest birthday wishes to you Vicki ... you deserve every happy!!! :)

  4. Happy, happy birthday!! It sounds like you have started the celebration off right!! Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Happy Birthday, my friend! I now have it on my calendar. (Hee Hee) Glad you are being treated like a Queen and getting lots of "birthday" attention. All sounds like lots of fun.
    Birthday hugs traveling your way! ~ Sarah

  6. Hope you had a Wonderful Birthday!!

  7. Those cakes sure are cute! I like to make cake, but I can't make them look like that. Thanks for sharing the pics and have a Happy and Blessed Birthday!

  8. Hi Vicki, I hope that your birthday weekend was the very best. I sure did enjoy seeing all the beautiful cakes that you rounded up!

    I have tomorrow's post all ready to link up, and I hope that your week is awesome.


  9. Hope you had the most wonderful ME birthday ever!!!! Christy (toddlermom2001 @

  10. Happy Birthday!!! Love all those yummy cakes!


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