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Tuesday, February 22

Rednesday...Good News...Bad News...

I've met some really wonderful women through my blog, websites, and Facebook. Every week it seems that I am surprised at the kindness and friendships that all three have brought my way. For this I am grateful.
I have a sweet and sour story to share. I will keep it as brief as I can because rule #1 in blogging is no long stories & more photos I'm told.
Friday evening on my way home from a long day at a clients house (18 miles away) I stopped at the post office to mail off the 3 earring prizes that I offered during the One World One Heart Event that had ended on Thursday. Having posted the packages I stopped to check my new PO Box for mail just in case any had been forwarded from my old PO Box. I haven't even put the new PO Box on business cards, yet. Inside the box was a key to a "locker" where I was instructed to go to pick up a package. Hmmm??? A Package? I wasn't expecting anything and who has my new address??? I found the locker and to my surprise there was a Priority Mail envelope in it from a name that I did not recognize.
Insert Photo #1
This wonderful package contained an assortment of Oh So Cute fat quarters, I think that's what they are called in the quilting world, from the very sweet Wendy over at Why Knot? You see Wendy is a quilter, she writes about quilting over on her blog and has been a "peep" for awhile following my blog.

Inside the package was this Sweet Note from Wendy and a stunning postcard from her home state of Montana. I'm sure the people walking by me were wondering why I was "ahhing" and "ohhing" there by the trunk of my car. I was so touched that Wendy had sent this wonderful present to me "just becuz". How thoughtful is that?!
 Or??? Perhaps, she knew that when I got back in my car to leave that my car wouldn't start. Crap! I feel so helpless as a woman when my car has "issues". Ugh! I got out and checked the oil like that's going to make a difference...yep... got oil. The check engine and the oil lamp came on when I was trying to get it to turnover. My next thought was "I don't need this!" but then I remembered the wonderful package that I had just received and then I remembered the reason that I had stopped at the PO Office in the first place. That is what I kept telling myself to be grateful for.
To shorten the whole evening ordeal let me just share with you what else I am grateful for....
1) Having a AAA membership to tow my car
b) only being 6 miles from the mechanic instead of 18 miles away because it's $5 for every mile over 5 miles of towing.
2) Wonderful neighbors who will come out at night to pick me up after the tow truck dropped me off at the closed garage.
3) the same wonderful neighbors who will loan me their car so I can go back to the mechanic Sat. morning to find out that I needed a new fuel pump & filter to the tune of $553 (not so happy for that) but grateful that I have a car.
4) blogging friends who will let me share the bad news with the great news.

Mucho Thank You's to Wendy for such a wonderful and thoughtful gesture and gift with perfect timing.
 I'm joining Sue for Rednesday over at her delightful blog "It's A Very Cherry World". Please stop over and see all the Red that is being shared their for Rednesday.


  1. Oh Vicki,

    What a sweet story about Wendy and what cute cute fabrics.....I was wondering if you would like that contact paper we were looking for? I will never use it, but the key is how do we get it to you without it costing too much???? I am sorry about your car, I can totally relate....have a better night tonight! :)

  2. Car trouble stinks, but thankfully it all worked out the way it did! And it's so nice that someone thought of you and sent you something special, just when you needed it the most!
    Happy REDnesday!

  3. Some days you wonder why I even got out of bed. Even with all your problems, the lovely package came just when you needed a bright spot in your day. My greatest fear with my car, is having a flat. I have no idea how to fix one. I am sorry you had so many bad experiences at one time, but I did enjoy reading about them.

  4. Hi Vicki. Thank you for stopping by. Love the ME fabric. What a wonderful surprise. I have quite a collection of ME fabric myself.
    Take care.

  5. I'm glad everything is okay! Just like that Forrest Gump saying (and I'm paraphrasing), "Life is like a bowl of cherries; you never know what you're gonna get"! ;)

  6. Geeze....Now I know why you have been missing in action! Yep, that is a red and black lap sized quilt I made a while back. I am so thrilled you got your little gift, but am so upset about your car. Thank goodness for Paddy. Hang in there and keep in touch. xoxo Genie

  7. Sorry about your car, Vikki! This was really a good new, bad news post. The fat quarters are beautiful! That as a sweet things for Wendy to do!

  8. Vicki, sorry to hear about your car. Car issues can truly stress me out! But love the story about the package. Love the fabrics. You'll do something wonderfully creative with these. Friends across the miles ~ priceless!
    Hugs ~ Sarah

  9. Ohhhhh...I hate that when the day is going great and then the money monster shows up to collect. At least that's what I call it when I have to pay for something out of the blue.
    That fabric is gorgeous though!! What a sweet gift!

  10. What a great, great story! Sometimes it is hard to see the blessings around us but they are always there. :o)
    Your fabric is great, too!!
    The Tattered Tassel

  11. Car trouble is the absolute worst!! What a wonderful package, though...and knowing you are surrounded by caring friends in all aspects of your life is a true blessing!

  12. That's life isn't it. Both good and bad and hopefully more good.

  13. Hello, Vicki. Thankyou for stopping by our blog! We are sorry to hear of your car trouble...but atleast you have good neighbors! What a lovely package you received!

    Have a great day,
    Laura and Michele

  14. Oh My you poor girl, i am sorry to hear of your car trouble. I hope all is well now. What a lovely gesture to send such a wonderful package of fabric! I can't wait to see what you do with the pretty fabric with all those lovely cherrys! All the best,

  15. Oh you put such a good turn on a bad day. I should take a lesson from you. Had car trouble too this week and like you to the tune of $487. Your story made me smile and realize, I was not the only one having a bad day, so buck up! Kit


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