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Sunday, August 21

Mosaic Monday

I had a relaxing weekend. How about you? One of my favorite tea places closed their door this Saturday and I am so sad to see them go. I did my part and joined in on Saturday afternoon for their 50 to 80 percent off sale. I have a cute "little something" that I will wait to share on Rednesday this Wednesday.
In the meantime I am joining up with my fellow blogger over at the Dear Little Red House Blog for Mosaic Mondays. This is a fun mosaic of beads and such that I found in the flickr group I belong to. Please pop over and see all of the wonderful photographs that Mary has to share along with the other mosaic pictures linked up there.
Thanks so much for stopping by......

Sunday, August 14

Polyvore Cherry Favorites

Cherry Favorites
I've been playing around this afternoon over at where I created this collage of photos. It's been fun but I'm still in the learning phase with this being my first creation. You can bring together photos from all over the web to create your own Design boards. Check it out and let me know what you think.
It's not as easy as "pinning" on Pinterest but it is fun.
I hope you have a fabulous week of creativity.

Friday, August 5

Fresh Cut Friday

It's time again for Fresh Cut Friday over at Liz's Rose Vignettes. I did buy myself fresh flowers last week but I didn't take a photograph of them...sorry.

I'm totally cheating here this month but Liz was sweet enough to send me an email reminder so I just had to participate somehow. I've 'pinned' this fabulous arrangement from Pinterest that I just LuRvE. I love pink and these colors are just so stunning! I wish I did have the arrangement in my home.
Please stop over and see the Fresh Cut Flowers that everyone has shared on Liz's blog here.

Thursday, August 4

Do Oreos go with White Zinfandel??

Yesterday was a particularily long day at the office. I came home hungry so I popped a Lean Cuisine in the microwave, with a little extra fresh broccoli added, soon after I arrived home. I poured myself a glass of Beringer White Zinfandel, my favorite, to go along with dinner. Now mind you I'm not much of a wine drinker so one glass goes along way with me.
Well then I ran out of food but I still had wine leftover. Personally I like a little something "sweet" to end my meal with.  I remembered that I had some Oreo cookies so I grabbed a few. I looked at my wine and thought I can't throw the rest out.  But then I thought "Is it okay to have white zinfandel with Oreos????"
The light went on and I thought I would ask my fellow bloggers if you've every had such a weird combination.  I still prefer milk but I was too frugal to just dump the wine. Any thoughts on what you would have done?? ;-)