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Saturday, April 7

I found PicMonkey...

As a blogger I know it's all about the photos. Nobody cares about the words I write. They want to see what I have to share.
I've been trying to catch up on my favorite blogs today when I buzzed over to Sweet Bee Cottage. Janelle has shared a cool site called PicMonkey. She told me that I had to drop everything and go check it out. So I did and the creation above is what became of my playing around for just a few minutes.  It's like having your own photo editing software online. It seems some of the peeps from the old Picnik website, that recently closed up shop, have created this new dynamic website They have an awesome sense of humor, too.
This is what the photo started out looking like. I finally got around to photographing the Cherry keyring that my friend, Heather, from Dragonfly Lampworks designed a bead for. It's the cutest little thing with Cherries on both sides. Now I just need to "get around to" placing it in my shop for sale. So many little time...
Do go by and monkey around at the PicMonkey photo editing site. You'll have fun.


  1. I started using Picasa but I may have to check out PicMonkey! Sounds fun...just not this weekend...too much going on!
    I love the key chain. Of course, I love cherries..what can I say?
    Happy Easter/Passover/Sprint to you!

  2. Oh, this looks like a fun site. I'll go check it out next week when I've a bit more time.
    Thanks for stopping by to visit. I appreciate your thoughtful note and concern. We are about 3 hours south of Dallas and didn't have any severe weather. Just got a little rain, that's all.
    Happy Easter, my friend. ~ Sarah

  3. I've never used any picture sites. That's probably why the pics on my blog are so boring. I'll have to check it out. Thanks for the tip!

  4. Thanks for stopping by my led me here to you, and I love your posts. I'm your newest follower! Fran

  5. I, too, found Picmonkey, recently. I was so sad when Picnik went away, but, now that we all have a happy alternative...I am pleased as punch!
    You framed your lovely charm so beautifully! Yay..Picmonkey!
    Carolynn..."Chenille Cottage"


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