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Wednesday, April 18


I'm happy to have something RED to share with Sue & everyone for Rednesday this week.  Pop over to Sue's blog "It's A Very Cherry World" to see what else is being shared for Rednesday.
Last Thursday I was coming back from a job interview and I stopped to see a former customer. She wasn't in, yet, so I popped into the Lifepath Hospice Thrift Store next door to kill some time.

Look what I spied on my quick circle around the store...Cherries!  I bet you think I paid $4.49 for this little treasure. would be wrong my dear friend.  That little yellow line through the price sticker meant that it was 75% off which made it $1.12 + tax=$1.24.  Such a deal...ehh??

I even found these three little glass cherries in the bottom of the jar when I got it home and looked at the contents. Score!


  1. Its too cute I love love my cherries!

  2. What a great find! I *heart* cherry stuff too.

  3. I definitely think that was a score! Love the cherries!!! I had a lucky day too yesterday, just a quick trip to the antique store to clear my mind and I found a really cute vintage apron to hang on the clothesline, a vintage children's book, two vintage cookbooks, and some crocheted potholders, a dress and bloomers. All for sixteen dollars. . . luckily I had just enough in my checking account!!! Yay!
    Thanks for the very sweet comment on my blog. I'm glad you love it too!

  4. Yes, you definitely scored! All the cherries are very sweet!


  5. I want that! Go back and get me one!

  6. Oh...I love your cherries...and, your delightful find! I am a thrift store regular and am always thrilled when I find something RED!
    I love popping in...My favorite color is RED and each time I visit I am reminded why it is such a cheerful color!
    Thank you for sharing, my friend!
    Carolynn..."Chenille Cottage"


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