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Sunday, January 30

One World One Heart

Hi! I'm Vicki a.k.a. Cherry Chick. Thanks so much for stopping by to meet me as you "Wing Your Way Around the World". For those of you who may not know "One World One Heart" is a blogger event designed for us to meet others from around the world. As Lisa from "A Whimsical Bohemian" writes "It gives all those who blog a chance to meet and mingle and form connections with those they may not have otherwise met from all over the world. Think of it as a GIGANTIC open house allowing you to travel without ever leaving your home........going from blog to blog(in various countries) seeing the wonder each one has created and meeting all the fabulous people behind those blogs. As a bonus each blogger participant will offer up a "door prize or prizes"....just for dropping by, saying hello and seeing their world. It's really that easy."

 As I said above, I'm Vicki. I'm in sunny Florida in the USA.  I write my blog to share my love of beads, jewelry designing, cherries, and the illustrator Mary Engelbreit.  You can meet my cat, Missy, pictured on the right side of my blog near the top. I've been blogging for a couple of years now but it's only been this past year that I've really gotten out their to meet so many wonderful friends in the blogging World. I look forward to getting around to seeing all of the participants in the One World One Heart blogs in the next couple of weeks.
Very Cherry Earrings
A pair of Very Cherry earrings is what I am offering as my "Door Prize".  I think they would be enjoyed in any country...right?? 
EDIT~So many wonderful people have stopped by and left a comment that I think one pair of earrings is hardly going to be adequate. So...I have added a second pair of my Victorian Flower earrings to the giveaway for the 200+ comments. If I get 300 comments I'll add another pair to be given away.
EDIT, again~Well it seems just under the wire, I have received 300 comments. I will now be giving away a second pair of Very Cherry earrings. So that means there will be three Happy Bloggers tomorrow!All you need to do is leave me a comment on this post and make sure I have a way to get back to you. I thank graciously for stopping by.
Victorian Flowers Earrings

M. E. Monday

Welcome, again to Mary Engelbreit Monday. Please join us and post the link to your blog with the related Mary Engelbreit pictures to share with everyone. It can be a ME licensed product or something that was "inspired" by Mary Engelbreit's artwork. It "should" be a photo that you took of something that you own. We're flexible here....let's have fun above all else.
Click Image to Enlarge

I am happy to report that even though I took this photo in my front yard on Thursday (Jan.27) there is still no snow on the ground here. Sorry, I couldn't help myself. I've been enjoying all of my blogging friends photos of snow. Everyone I know seems to live where there is snow. I so enjoy seeing the pictures so I thought, perhaps, they may enjoy seeing some real life "Green" from Florida.
My Mary Engelbreit 'Love' flag is an extension of my ME mantel display inside my home.

I have a question for those of you who come to ME Monday. I've just found out that Linky Tools will begin to charge for using the link tool starting 2/7/2011. While $2 a month is no big deal they're asking for $24 up front for a subscription. ME Monday is the only "meme" that I hold on my blog and I have noticed a decline in participation. But that could be because everyone is running out of ME stuff to  I will probably never run out of ME stuff but hey...that's just ME. So??? The question is "Do I keep going as a "meme" or just share my own ME stuff?" Please let me know your thoughts.

Now, please join me and share your ME with us all. Once you've posted your pictures come back and add your link in MckLinky below. Please share the link back to my blog so that everyone can take part in sharing their post and picture.

Friday, January 28

How to make a crocheted necklace

A few days ago I was talking on the phone with one of my new 'peeps', Audrey, after she had purchased a pair of my Very Cherry earrings.  It was a strange week for Very Cherry earrings last week. I sold four pairs of them to three different people. Anywho...I seems that Audrey is a creative soul, too. She asked me about how difficult it was to make my Crocheted Cherries Necklace and I replied "not difficult at all". So today I thought I would share with everyone the video that I watched to learn how to create a crocheted necklace.

It really doesn't take long to make and you can totally personalize it to your look by just changing the beads that you use.
Here you can see how just changing the color of the wire that you use and the bead selection will make such a difference using the same technique.
Give it a try and if I can be of any help just shoot me an email or leave me a comment. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 25

I promise there is RED for Rednesday....

Please bear with me for the shameless self promotion but I learned how to create my first Youtube video today and I wanted to share it with my 'peeps'. It's only a short 35 seconds in length and I promise you will see some RED in it.  I've been taking a fun emarketing class on Thursday nights and this is one of the things that 'Creative Officer', Chris Krimitsos, has shared with us.  You know me and technology. I'm always willing to try to figure it out. ;-)

Please join Sue and all of the other lovely ladies who are sharing their Red for Rednesday over at "It's A Very Cherry World" & all my fellow bloggers for Feature Yourself Friday.

Sunday, January 23

Valentine's Mantel Link up & ME Monday

It's a combo Monday this week. Along with the usual Mary Engelbreit Monday I'm joining in with the Valentine's Mantel Linky over at Beth's blog "The Stories of A to Z". I decided to decorate the whole mantel with my ME collection and assorted Bears. It's difficult to get enough light on that side of the room so please forgive the less than perfect photographs. Remember you can click on the images to enlarge them.

Now...join us and share your ME with us all. Once you've posted your pictures come back and add your link in MckLinky below. Please share the link back to my blog so that everyone can take part in sharing their post and picture.

Tuesday, January 18

Sharing some Red on Rednesday

I took down my Christmas decorations from my mantel and put up some Reds and Pinks for Valentine's Day. I think the little gold tree makes for a perfect place to hang my red glass heart ornaments. I've, also, dusted off my Muffy Bear and added her to the shelf along with just a few of my many Mary Engelbreit Valentine tins.
I'm joining Sue over at "It's A Very Cherry World" and all of the other ladies who will be sharing their Red on Rednesday. Be sure to stop by and see what Red over there.

Guess What???!!!

Today is Sarah's Birthday!
Nah...I didn't make the cake

Be sure to stop over and wish her Happy Birthday.
She'll be Surprised!

Cherry Chick featured in Collection


Sunday, January 16

ME Monday week three 2011

Welcome, again to Mary Engelbreit Monday. Please join us and post the link to your blog with the related Mary Engelbreit pictures to share with everyone. It can be a ME licensed product or something that was "inspired" by Mary Engelbreit's artwork. It "should" be a photo that you took of something that you own. We're flexible here....let's have fun above all else.

It has finally dawned on me that not every Mary Engelbreit admirer has a blog to post pictures to. Duh! So...this week I will 'host' the pictures for the recent winner of the Cherry Chick Giveaway, Christy. If you would like to share your ME things with us here on ME Monday just send me an email and I'll be happy to share them with the 'peeps'.  I'm sure Christy will enjoy seeing your comments.
Click Images to Enlarge
Now...join us and share your ME with us all. Once you've posted your pictures come back and add your link in MckLinky below. Please share the link back to my blog so that everyone can take part in sharing their post and picture.

Friday, January 14

Winner...Winner...Chicken dinner

Using the trusted Random Number Generator......Bob tell us who gets the Cherry Chick ME Monday Giveaway....
The Prize Package goes to #10

#10 is Christy a.k.a.toddlermom2001
I will be sending you an email Christy to get your shipping address.  Thanks to everyone who joined in for the fun. It's always fun to share!

Thursday, January 13

A Sweet Bee Giveaway

My friend, Sweet Bee, over at Sweet Bee Cottage is celebrating her 300th "follower" on her blog except for now she is up to 336 as of this post. Something I can aspire, too, right??
Anywho...she is having a fabulous Giveaway, too, that will end on January 29th.  So if you'd like to be a "wiener" head on over to her blog to check out what you need to do.
P.S. I've already checked out my local Home Goods store and they didn't have this oh so cute two tiered "Goody Server" that I love so if I'm gonna own it I will have to "win" it. Maybe you shouldn't enter her giveaway...just stop by and say hello to that Sweet Bee instead!

Tuesday, January 11

Rednesday & Cherry Giveaway

Such a Deal!
There is a wonderful little "anytime tea bar" here in Tampa called "Dishtophia". They have a gazillon different teas to choose from, they make some fabulous quiches, and really yummy scones.  I've been there a number of times with my neighbor, Paddy, and I stop in there when I come back from Michaels in south Tampa. I follow their Facebook page, too, and I recently saw that they had 75% off their "vintage dishes". It just so happens that some of their 'vintage' is Mary Engelbreit's stuff.  I was not able to get down to see them during the holidays but I made sure to stop by on Saturday after my class at Michaels. The charming little set of bowls was what called my name when I walked in. Full price they were $24.90 for the set but those babies came home with me for $6.66. Yikes! I just realized what the number Omen perhaps??? Not to worry...I'm a happy camper and I'll be keeping my eyes open for new additions to the sale.
Check out my blog post from Monday here if you'd like to enter my Giveaway for a pair of ME Cherry Socks, a matching Cherry pen, AND a Cherry Chick designed "Very Mary" Bracelet. There are multiple ways to enter and the winner will be announced on Friday this week. 

A big thank you to Sue over at "It's a Very Cherry World" for hosting Rednesday every Wednesday where we get together to share what we have "Red". Please pop over and see what all the other ladies have to share this week.

Sunday, January 9

ME Monday week two 2011

Welcome, again to Mary Engelbreit Monday. Please join us and post the link to your blog with the related Mary Engelbreit pictures to share with everyone. It can be a ME licensed product or something that was "inspired" by Mary Engelbreit's artwork. It "should" be a photo that you took of something that you own. We're flexible here....let's have fun above all else.

It's been a very busy week in Cherry Chick world! Busy is good because busy means $$$ but it, also, means very little time for anything but working. Thirty seven hours with a client this week, teaching at Michaels on Weds. night, and teaching again at Michaels on Sat. morning. Then a couple more hours at Michaels to work up a new sample for a wire crocheting class. I was so ready for Sunday today!
The great thing about being in Michaels a couple of days a week is getting to see when the new Mary Engelbreit stuff arrives. This week the $1 bins were flush with new products to share with everyone here on ME Monday. How cute are these little tissue boxes? They're only 3 inches squared and perfect for my little studio desk top.

New socks! I love socks! I love socks more than I love shoes. I could tell these had just been placed in the bin. Fresh socks! Happy dance!
Cute new monogrammed note cards with glitter. If you click and enlarge the photos you can see the glitter better. Oh, so cute!
Look! Cute little pens that match the cute monogrammed notecards!

 They have little rhinestone initials to monogram your stuff with
Now I have Cherry monogrammed luggage tags! How lucky that the "A" has cherries on them. Mary must have been watching out for me.
I couldn't get all this cute new stuff without sharing. Of course, I was thinking about my peeps. So here's what I'd like to pair of ME Cherry socks, a matching Cherry pen, AND a Cherry Chick designed bracelet. This is my new Very Mary bracelet. It has checkerboards, Fried Egg flowers, and Cherries in it.

I'm offering multiple chances to win. You can enter until midnight this Thursday night (1/13) and I will announce the winner on Friday (1/14). I'm limiting the winner to the US or Canada due to the cost of shipping.
Here's the deal...
1) Leave me a comment letting me know which of the new ME stuff I shared today is your favorite.
2) Share this ME Monday post on Facebook...button to the right. Leave me a comment that you did.
3) Tweet this ME Monday post on Twitter...button to the right. Leave me a comment that you did.
4) Like Cherry Chick on Facebook button to the right and leave me a comment that you have done so.

Now...join us and share your ME with us all. Once you've posted your pictures come back and add your link in MckLinky below. Please share the link back to my blog so that everyone can take part in sharing their post and picture.

Sunday, January 2

M.E. Monday week one 2011

Welcome, again to Mary Engelbreit Monday. Please join us and post the link to your blog with the related Mary Engelbreit pictures to share with everyone. It can be a ME licensed product or something that was "inspired" by Mary Engelbreit's artwork. It "should" be a photo that you took of something that you own. We're flexible here....let's have fun above all else.

I'm pretty sure that I've shared a picture of my little china cabinet in my kitchen before. Here are a couple of Mary's motto pillows that I've hung from the knobs on the cabinet just to take the photographs.

Once you've posted your picture come back and add your link in Mr. Linky below. Please share the link back to my blog so that everyone can take part in sharing their post and picture.

Saturday, January 1