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Tuesday, April 24

Time to create...

So I've had a little time here lately to be creative.  I've titled this necklace "Checkered Cherry". Once again, I've crocheted with wire but this time I added little black and white seed beads in to give it that checkerboard appearance.

Here's a close up view of the necklace.

Here's a pair of earrings that I recently created. I'm calling these "Striped Cherries". Think abstract cherries since there aren't any leaves included.  Maybe I'm stretching the "cherry" Lots of ideas...back to the studio for me!
I'm joining Sue over at "It's A Very Cherry World" for Rednesday. Please stop over and see all the Red that everyone has to share.

Wednesday, April 18


I'm happy to have something RED to share with Sue & everyone for Rednesday this week.  Pop over to Sue's blog "It's A Very Cherry World" to see what else is being shared for Rednesday.
Last Thursday I was coming back from a job interview and I stopped to see a former customer. She wasn't in, yet, so I popped into the Lifepath Hospice Thrift Store next door to kill some time.

Look what I spied on my quick circle around the store...Cherries!  I bet you think I paid $4.49 for this little treasure. would be wrong my dear friend.  That little yellow line through the price sticker meant that it was 75% off which made it $1.12 + tax=$1.24.  Such a deal...ehh??

I even found these three little glass cherries in the bottom of the jar when I got it home and looked at the contents. Score!

Saturday, April 7

I found PicMonkey...

As a blogger I know it's all about the photos. Nobody cares about the words I write. They want to see what I have to share.
I've been trying to catch up on my favorite blogs today when I buzzed over to Sweet Bee Cottage. Janelle has shared a cool site called PicMonkey. She told me that I had to drop everything and go check it out. So I did and the creation above is what became of my playing around for just a few minutes.  It's like having your own photo editing software online. It seems some of the peeps from the old Picnik website, that recently closed up shop, have created this new dynamic website They have an awesome sense of humor, too.
This is what the photo started out looking like. I finally got around to photographing the Cherry keyring that my friend, Heather, from Dragonfly Lampworks designed a bead for. It's the cutest little thing with Cherries on both sides. Now I just need to "get around to" placing it in my shop for sale. So many little time...
Do go by and monkey around at the PicMonkey photo editing site. You'll have fun.

Some Creative Time

It is such a beautiful morning here in Tampa today. I'm sitting on my front porch enjoying a cup of tea while listening to the birds sing. Life is Good! We had a mini "cold front" come through after a little rain on Thursday and the temperature is just perfect outside. There is just the nicest breeze out to make it all that much better.
A few weeks ago I pulled out the ole Cricut Expressions to try my hand at a card that I have seen pinned on  Pinterest. There is a wonderful video tutorial here if you are interested in seeing exactly how the original was created. You can see that I made it my own using totally different paper and accents.
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.