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Sunday, October 31

M.E. Monday

My Mary Engelbreit treat to share this week is this charming little ME box that I will be sending out with the Cherry Chick FEF watch. It reads "The Blessings of Friendship" which I thought was appropriate.

Let's see......# 26 is.....Melody from Brown Gingham Creations! Melody was the one who had crossed all of her toes, fingers and who knows what else in hopes that she would like it worked!

I truly appreciate all the kind comments and I thank everyone who helped me celebrate my 200th blog post. Happy ME Monday!
 Welcome, again to Mary Engelbreit Monday. Please join us and post the link to your blog with the related Mary Engelbreit pictures to share with everyone. It can be a ME licensed product or something that was "inspired" by Mary Engelbreit's artwork. It "should" be a photo that you took of something that you own. We're flexible here....let's have fun above all else.

Once you've posted your picture come back and add your link in Mr. Linky below. Please share the link back to my blog so that everyone can take part in sharing their post and picture.

Friday, October 29

200th Post & The Mystery Woman Revealed

Soooo....if you read Tues. & Weds. post you know what this is about.  I was looking through some old photo boxes this week for a picture of my son at Halloween so that I could scan it and post it on his Facebook page. It was good for a few laughs when I did it to him on his Birthday in August.

I came across this picture and thought "ya know people keep asking me to post a picture of myself". This is probably the last picture that I "kinda liked" so what the hell....let's expose the Cherry Chick (somewhat). I truly do not like to have my picture taken so finding one of me anywhere is rare.

To celebrate today's 200th post on my blog I am giving away a Cherry Chick original Fried Egg Flower watch. Please see the details on Weds. post here.  I think I had two ladies guess correctly as to who the "Mystery Woman" was. Smart woman!

Thursday, October 28

Mornin Glories...A New Place to Shop

How are your today? May I help you with anything? I can hear Cindy greeting all her lovely customers in to her new shop over at Mornin Glories. Will that be check or charge? Would you like this gift wrapped?

Today is the Grand Opening of a new place to look for wonderful treasures whether it be for a friend or just for yourself. All the fine vendors will be linking up to MorninGlories.blogspot starting today to show their wares. This week I have a Cherry Chick original watch that I call "Florals & Pearls" and there's even a pair of matching earrings to go with it.
You'll find it for sale here in my shop.

You'll find the romantic matching pair of earrings here on

Thank you for shopping at Mornin Glories Florida branch. Please go see what the other "branches" have for sale here.

Tuesday, October 26

Rednesday and a Cherry Giveaway!

Please join Sue over at It's A Very Cherry World and all of the other wonderful bloggers who will be sharing their Red nesday.
Additionally, I am sharing with Rachelle and her bloggers at

This is a Cherry Chick "Fried Egg Flower" watch. I figured it has some Red in it so it should count for Rednesday. Sometime this week I will be posting my 200th blog post. Yepper...I can hardly believe it! I think this one is #198 so by Friday I should be on #200. If you've read my Tuesday post you know that I will be announcing who the "mystery woman" is on Friday, too.

To celebrate my 200th post I am going to giveaway the FEF watch to one lucky lady.  I never thought about having a giveaway with my jewelry until a couple of friends suggested it during my last giveaway. asked for it you got it!

Here's the way you'll can get multiple entries~
1) Become a new Peep (follower) of my blog here or if you already are a Peep leave me a comment here on Rednesday telling me your are.
2) Tell me in a comment here on Rednesday that you would like to have the FEF watch.
3) Leave a comment on this coming Friday's post when you find out who the "mystery" woman is.

Please remember that if you don't have a blog or at least put your email address in your post if it's non-reply, I won't know how to contact you if you are the "Lucky Lady". Help a girl out, please.
I will use the "random number" picker on ME Monday (Nov. 1) and announce the winner then. Thanks so much for helping me celebrate and for reading my random thoughts of jibberish. :-)

Who is this Woman???

 If you come back on Friday I will tell you.

Sunday, October 24

M.E. Monday.....

Welcome, again to Mary Engelbreit Monday. Please join us and post the link to your blog with the related Mary Engelbreit pictures to share with everyone. It can be a ME licensed product or something that was "inspired" by Mary Engelbreit's artwork. It "should" be a photo that you took of something that you own. We're flexible here....let's have fun above all else.

Once you've posted your picture come back and add your link in Mr. Linky below. Please share the link back to my blog so that everyone can take part in sharing their post and picture.

I confess, this week I am totally cheating. This is not something ME that I own nor did I take the photograph. But's MY blog and I can "cheat" if I want to...cheat if I want to. (sung to the tune of "cry if I want to")
My customer turned friend, Delores from AZ, has been working on cross stitching this charming ME pattern for her tray for 10 years now. She recently sent me the pictures because we had been talking about the tray and she wrote "This pattern was in her "Mary Engelbreit's First Cross-Stitch Book,"  published in 1996.  I have made several of the patterns in that book, and it's almost off it's hinges from using it and loaning it to friends all these years." 

Here is what she has written on the back of the tray. She even "confesses" to her procrastination. That's my kind of woman! We  started becoming fast friends when I found out that she had once lived in the same little poe dunk town of Lompoc, CA that I had lived in  for four years in the early 70's. We found that we had a lot in common, a love of Cherries and, of course, Mary Engelbreit. She keeps me entertained with her emails and photographs of the Art Dolls that she designs. I can't thank Ms. @>----- enough for letting me share one of her many talents with everyone here on ME Monday.  She doesn't have a blog for me to send you all to but I'm sure she will enjoy reading your wonderful comments about her darling ME Teapot cross stitched tray. You might remember Delores as the sweety who made me my "Miss Sweet Cheeks" doll in September.

Saturday, October 23

Featured in an Collection...

Just got a nice email Christmas Package beaded necklace is featured today in a Holiday Jewelry Collection.


Tuesday, October 19

Rednesday...Redi Set Go!

Click Photo to Enlarge

This is my new Xpress Redi Set Go thanks to my sweet neighbor, Paddy.  I'm sure you've seen the infomercials on television. Cathy Mitchell's on there whipping up everything from omelettes to little cakes with snack size candy bars inside of them (not on my current diet plan). I was excited when I saw that it was Red and immediately thought, Last week was a tough week for me so instead of saving this for Christmas Paddy gave it to me on Saturday to cheer me up. I was completely surprised. We had been talking about the idea that we'd both like to have one. They offer one of those BOGO Free deals and little did I know that she had ordered them for us. She's sweet like that.
On Sunday morning I made the egg burrito thingy pictured above trying to catch the various steps with my camera.  I now have some salsa to add as a finishing touch next time. Since Sunday, I have made a little veggie pizza, a veggie omelette, and a pineapple upside down cake this evening to say thank you to Paddy. The cake was a little under cooked but I'm still learning. ;-)

Please join Sue over at It's A Very Cherry World and all of the other wonderful bloggers who will be sharing their Red today.

Monday, October 18

Some Current Projects

Click to Enlarge the Photographs

Sweet Ms. Genie over at Buttons for Baga was kind enough today to share with me her "photo secret" after I admired her photo collage from last Weds. She has now turned me on to Picnik and we all know how I just Love Technology. ;-)
I have these wonderful "Birds" heading south to me this week courtesy of my super talented friend Heather from Dragonfly Lampworks. They are needed for some custom pieces that I am designing for one of my previous clients. Ms. K is a big Pittsburgh Penguin fan and this is like the fourth piece of penguin jewelry that I have designed for her. It's so fun to design for someone as easy going as Ms. K. We did some Christmas last year so this year we're going to add some Thanksgiving designs to her collection.
I'll take pictures of the finished designs to share when I'm done.

Sunday, October 17

M.E. Monday....

Welcome, again, to Mary Engelbreit Monday. It's been a tough week and I know that I have been missing here among my blogging friends. Many thanks to my sweet friends who have been so patient with me this week. I've been working as hard as I can to make lemonade out of the lemons I now have.

Please join us and post the link to your blog with the related Mary Engelbreit pictures to share with everyone. It can be a ME licensed product or something that was "inspired" by Mary Engelbreit's artwork. It "should" be a photo that you took of something that you own. We're flexible here....let's have fun above all else.

Once you've posted your picture come back and add your link in Mr. Linky below. Please share the link back to my blog so that everyone can take part in sharing their post and picture.

This week it's Mary Engelbreit "Outside" for me. The little flag above is staked in my backyard flower bed that only seems to be filled with spider plants right now. 
This large ME flag hangs under the garage trying to disguise my big blue garbage can. I bet you could hardly notice the garbage can. Right?

This cute little ME plant stake sits in a pot of spider plants on my front porch. I'm good at growing spider plants but not much else.
Finally we have here my front door. The door itself is in pretty sad shape now that I see it photographed. That wearing away of the wood in the lower panels of the door is how a few of my cats would let me know that it was time for them to come in from the front porch. Some just liked to use it as their scratching post....What's a mother to do? A million year ago I put the ME Cottage Rose wallpaper around the door frame and sealed it with polyurethane and then I have my ME Welcome rug sitting in front of the door. Hanging from a nail in the middle of the door is a cute little ME container filled with silk flowers. Got that at Michaels 75% off...such a deal!
Thanks for stopping by this week and please join us and share your ME for all the world to see. ;-)

Tuesday, October 12

Ready or not it's Rednesday again....

I'm scrambling here at the last minute to come up with something for Rednesday. I did not plan very well today and the time just whizzed by. This is a not so great picture of a little drawstring purse that I hand beaded once with sequins to make the little cherries.

Please join Sue at "It's a Very Cherry World" and all of the other wonderful bloggers who are sharing their Red today.

Wish Lists are Universal

Use your Wish List to wish for anything you want, from anywhere you want. Did you know that you could add anything from any website to your Amazon Wish List? Try it now and enter for a chance to win a $100,000 shopping spree.

If you're like me, you have a wish list on When I look up something on their website I will save it to my wish list to help me remember it. If you make the list public family and friends can get an idea of what you might enjoy as a gift.
Today I just found out that and many other websites have linked up with by putting buttons on their websites that will make your heart's desires available in your Wish List on Amazon for all the world to see.

Click to Enlarge Photograph
 Say for example.....Your heart's desire was one of my jewelry designs. You can go to, find the piece of jewelry and click the "Add to Amazon Wish List" button and Ta-Da! It will be added to your Universal Wish List for all the world (husband) to see. You can even be so bold and share this list with friends by simply clicking a button. Or, there is a button for printing the list out so that you can casually leave the list out in plain site on your kitchen table or under a magnet on your refrigerator.
Don't you just Love technology? Right now is sponsoring a "Wish & Win Sweepstakes" that you can enter to win a $100,000 shopping spree. One of the ways to enter is to add something to your Wish List by using the new universal wish list button from say here as an example. May all of your wishes come true.

Monday, October 11

And the Winner Is!!!!.... Ms. Genie

I just did the ole random number generator thingy for my ME Giveaway tonight and my sweet friend, Ms. Genie, from Buttons for Baga blog is the Winner. I know she will be tickled pink. Please stop by to congratulate her. A big thank you to all of you who joined the're all "winners" in my eyes. Some have suggested that they would rather have a piece of my jewelry so I'm thinking that's what we'll do next time I have a giveaway. Stay tuned.

Sunday, October 10

M.E. Monday.....

Welcome, again, to Mary Engelbreit Monday. Please join us and post the link to your blog with the related Mary Engelbreit pictures to share with everyone. It can be a ME licensed product or something that was "inspired" by Mary Engelbreit's artwork. It "should" be a photo that you took of something that you own. We're flexible here....let's have fun above all else.

Once you've posted your picture come back and add your link in Mr. Linky below. Please share the link back to my blog so that everyone can take part in sharing their post and picture.

I have One Mary Engelbreit clock.

Two Mary Engelbreit musical frames.

Three Mary Engelbreit porcelain chair ornaments.

Wednesday, October 6

An "Opportunity With CSN Stores".....

I'm sure you've seen it before...a CSN Gift Card Giveaway. Well, I received an email back on September 23rd from Caitlin E. on behalf of CSNPromoTeam offering up a $35 gift card or an opportunity for me to do a review of their products. She goes on to flatter me by writing that they are "seeking out high quality websites and blogs"...who me? "We love the look and feel of your blog"...oh..must be a form letter. ;-)
Anywho, I was in one of those "It's all about me moods" so I've decided to "review" a couple of the items that can be purchased from their 200+ online stores. Seriously, it has taken me forever to look through the bazillion things that you can purchase from them. They've got everything from coffee tables to Cherry Flip Flops. Yes, you read it right! They have coffee tables!
 So I'll be putting in my order for a couple of their items soon and then I'll let you know what I think after they arrive.

But just so you don't think it's always "all about me" I'm offering up a little Giveaway, too. Did you see the "fancy intense pink" 24.78 carat Pink Diamond that is being sold by an unidentified private collector at Sotheby's next month? They're expecting it to fetch up to $38 million dollars.
Well, that's not what I'm giving away. I was just wondering if you saw how beautiful it is. I've already forwarded the Yahoo! story to the BF. Hint..Hint.
But what I am giving away is this cute little trio of Mary Engelbeit matching items.Ta-Da! Friends are the Flowers in the Garden of Life
All you need to do to enter the Giveaway is leave me a comment on this post and tell me if you seriously thought I was giving away a 24.78 carat Pink Diamond. As!
I will do a random drawing in the evening on Monday, Oct. 11th, and announce the winner then.