Sunday, February 27

ME Monday

Welcome again to Mary Engelbreit Monday. Please join us and post the link to your blog with the related Mary Engelbreit pictures to share with everyone. It can be a ME licensed product or something that was "inspired" by Mary Engelbreit's artwork. It "should" be a photo that you took of something that you own. We're flexible here....let's have fun above all else.

It's been a busy weekend with the Birthday Celebration continuing all weekend long. I actually received a few Mary Engelbreit gifts from my dear friend Christina that I'm sharing this week.
A rubber stamp that says it all!

A Christmas tin to add to my collection
Enlarge image to read easier
 Audrey, one of my customers, peeps, and new friends reminded me this weekend about this wonderful poem from Mary's book The Blessings of Friendship.  If you follow my blog you've often heard me speak of my sweet neighbor Paddy.  This so describes how I feel about our friendship and I wanted to share it today with everyone. I hope each of you has a neighbor who you can share this with.
Sorry about the glare :-(

Did you see the Mary Engelbreit Giveaway that Geralyn from Greeting from Geralyn linked to ME Monday last week? You have until March 7 to pop over to her blog to enter  her generous giveaway celebrating her 300th Blog post. 

Now it's your turn....Once you've posted your pictures come back and add your link to the link tool below. Please share the link back to my blog so that everyone can take part in sharing their post and picture.

A Collection of Mary Engelbreit products or products that you created inspired by Mary Engelbreit's illustrations.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Friday, February 25

Birthday Girl !!!

Yepper....Today is MY Birthday. Lots of lovely cakes for ME. None of which I made or ate but they sure are cute!
I've just enjoyed collecting the photos from Google images over the years and seeing how creative people can be.

The Birthday "Event" celebration started on Thursday. Lunch with a friend who is also a client. A wonderful surprise email from an old friend who I've not heard from in 3 years. A sweet phone call from a friend and former client who's moved away. Two boxes waiting on my front step via the USPS from Ms. Christina. One was for Christmas and one is for my Birthday. So she's a little slow on's the thought that counts plus she was a day early on the Birthday!

There's been a thoughtful email from my friend Heather @ Dragonfly Lampworks wishing me a Happy Birthday with a big Hug.

My friend, Anne, stopped by Thursday evening with a sweet pot of pink tulips. AND this most perfect and Fabulous Birthday Balloon for me. What was probably going to be a quick trip on her way home from work ended up being an emotional evening of "girl talk". It was almost 11 pm when she headed home.
I was jumping up and down like a 3 year old when she brought  the balloon in for me! She knew that I would just love it when she saw it. It is Perfect....right?
My "dance card" is full tonight....dinner with my dear friend, Kathy, and then we will be attending 'Marie’s Market Soiree'. I just happened to read about it in the Where Women Create magazine a few weeks ago.

"The evening will be full of lovely things, friendly faces, pretty projects, wonderful raffles, and chocolate fondue! Not to mention there will be a vast array of beautiful vendor booths full of pretties for your shopping pleasure."

Sounds like a good time...right? I'll let you know how it was.
Sunday will be a Champagne brunch with my friend Kristi at Oystercatchers on Tampa bay. What a lucky lady I am to have such wonderful friends to celebrate with. I'm sure I'll have a follow up post.
I'm definitely Featuring Myself this Please join Rachelle and the other bloggers who are sharing.

Tuesday, February 22

Rednesday...Good News...Bad News...

I've met some really wonderful women through my blog, websites, and Facebook. Every week it seems that I am surprised at the kindness and friendships that all three have brought my way. For this I am grateful.
I have a sweet and sour story to share. I will keep it as brief as I can because rule #1 in blogging is no long stories & more photos I'm told.
Friday evening on my way home from a long day at a clients house (18 miles away) I stopped at the post office to mail off the 3 earring prizes that I offered during the One World One Heart Event that had ended on Thursday. Having posted the packages I stopped to check my new PO Box for mail just in case any had been forwarded from my old PO Box. I haven't even put the new PO Box on business cards, yet. Inside the box was a key to a "locker" where I was instructed to go to pick up a package. Hmmm??? A Package? I wasn't expecting anything and who has my new address??? I found the locker and to my surprise there was a Priority Mail envelope in it from a name that I did not recognize.
Insert Photo #1
This wonderful package contained an assortment of Oh So Cute fat quarters, I think that's what they are called in the quilting world, from the very sweet Wendy over at Why Knot? You see Wendy is a quilter, she writes about quilting over on her blog and has been a "peep" for awhile following my blog.

Inside the package was this Sweet Note from Wendy and a stunning postcard from her home state of Montana. I'm sure the people walking by me were wondering why I was "ahhing" and "ohhing" there by the trunk of my car. I was so touched that Wendy had sent this wonderful present to me "just becuz". How thoughtful is that?!
 Or??? Perhaps, she knew that when I got back in my car to leave that my car wouldn't start. Crap! I feel so helpless as a woman when my car has "issues". Ugh! I got out and checked the oil like that's going to make a difference...yep... got oil. The check engine and the oil lamp came on when I was trying to get it to turnover. My next thought was "I don't need this!" but then I remembered the wonderful package that I had just received and then I remembered the reason that I had stopped at the PO Office in the first place. That is what I kept telling myself to be grateful for.
To shorten the whole evening ordeal let me just share with you what else I am grateful for....
1) Having a AAA membership to tow my car
b) only being 6 miles from the mechanic instead of 18 miles away because it's $5 for every mile over 5 miles of towing.
2) Wonderful neighbors who will come out at night to pick me up after the tow truck dropped me off at the closed garage.
3) the same wonderful neighbors who will loan me their car so I can go back to the mechanic Sat. morning to find out that I needed a new fuel pump & filter to the tune of $553 (not so happy for that) but grateful that I have a car.
4) blogging friends who will let me share the bad news with the great news.

Mucho Thank You's to Wendy for such a wonderful and thoughtful gesture and gift with perfect timing.
 I'm joining Sue for Rednesday over at her delightful blog "It's A Very Cherry World". Please stop over and see all the Red that is being shared their for Rednesday.

Sunday, February 20

ME Monday

Welcome, again to Mary Engelbreit Monday. Please join us and post the link to your blog with the related Mary Engelbreit pictures to share with everyone. It can be a ME licensed product or something that was "inspired" by Mary Engelbreit's artwork. It "should" be a photo that you took of something that you own. We're flexible here....let's have fun above all else.
When I was out n' about last week at Barnes & Nobles, buying that cute pop up Valentine's day card, I found this Mary Engelbreit page a day desk calendar. I didn't NEED a desk calendar but HECK it was 75% off of $13.99 making it $3.50. Then it became a DEAL so I then needed it. Right?? It's makes for good "props" on my blog.
And Then!!! When I was out with my neighbor, Paddy, on Valentine's Day we stopped at St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store in Clearwater. Neither of us had been there before and we just kind of stumbled on it. Paddy is a true "junker" so I knew that she would enjoy checking the place out. Until I met her I had never heard of the term "junking". Usually, she is the one who finds something she needs but this time I spotted this Mary Engelbreit box in a glass case.  Turns out it was a watch...not running...but I was willing to take the chance that I could replace the battery. How much for the watch you ask?????? Five bucks! Such a Deal! Then another three dollars and change for a new battery. She runs like a charm. I'd never even seen a ME watch with a metal band before. Happy dance!

Now it's your turn....Once you've posted your pictures come back and add your link to the link tool below. Please share the link back to my blog so that everyone can take part in sharing their post and picture.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sunday Smiles

I pulled into the crowded parking lot at the local shopping center and rolled down the car windows to make sure my Labrador Retrieve Pup had fresh air.

She was stretched full-out on the back seat and I wanted to impress upon her that she must remain there.

I walked to the curb backward, pointing my finger at the car and saying emphatically, "Now you stay. Do you hear me?"

"Stay! Stay!"

The driver of a nearby car, a pretty blonde young lady, gave me a strange look and said,

"Why don't you just put it in Park?"

Thursday, February 17

It's Been A Wonderful Tour!

I've just finished Winging My Way Around the World!  This was the first time I had heard about Lisa's wonderful event. She had 876 participants this year and what an Event it was. I hopped around to meet as many of the bloggers that I could. I might not have left a comment everywhere but I had a wonderful time reading about all of the many bloggers who joined in. For me it wasn't about the was about seeing what made each one of us unique.
I was completely shocked that I had over 300 bloggers leave a comment on my post.  I think the closer to the front of the list you are the more bloggers stop by. I was fortunate enough to be #39 but some of the first few on the list had 500+ comments. Amazing! I received so many wonderful messages from people from all over the world that I felt like my one little pair of Very Cherry earrings wasn't adequate for all the people who had stopped by. So I added a pair of Victorian Flowers earrings after I passed 200 comments with the idea that if I hit 300 comments I would add yet a third pair of earrings. Well on the last day I reach #300 so I added another pair of Very Cherry earrings to the giveaway since they seemed so popular. In addition to all the thoughtful comments I had over 20 new "Peeps" become followers of my blog. I am truly humbled and excited to have so many new friends.
Just in case you missed the pictures from my original post here they are again.

Lisa from A Whimsical Bohemian deserves a big round of applause for the wonderful job she did putting this One World One Heart event together.  What dedication she has to this event. She has planned an even more exciting event for next year so be sure to stop over and read about it on her blog.

Sooooo....I'm sure everyone is looking for WHO will be the proud to owners of the "Jewels".
#1 is Sherry from "Country Wings" who will be sent a pair of the Very Cherry earrings. Sherry's into technology, she likes pink, she collects cherries and she has a charming blog. Please stop over and congratulate her.
#2 is Debbie from "Simply Debbie" who will be sent the Victorian Lavender earrings. She likes Meg Ryan movies like I do, listens to Enya's music like I do, she has the cutest cats, and she left me just the sweetest comment ever.
last but not least #3 is Connie from "she dreams big" who will be receiving the other pair of Very Cherry earrings. Connie is frozen up there in Nebraska it would seem. She has a beautiful blog, is Way talented and artistic, and offers plenty of eye candy over on her blog. Do stop and congratulate her, too.

Thank you to everyone who stopped by to say hello. I wish I could give a pair of Very Cherry earrings to everyone but it just ain't in the budget this month. If you just can't "live" without a pair of them I do have a few pairs for sale in my shop here.

Tuesday, February 15

Rednesday and a Valentine

I'm joining Sue from over at "It's A Very Cherry World" and the ladies who will be sharing their Red for Rednesday. Be sure to stop over and see what they have to show you this week.

I found this "purr-fect" card for my neighbor, Paddy, for Valentine's Day. Paddy really likes pop up cards and I happened to be at Barnes & Nobles bookstore this past week. I noticed they had darling Valentine's Day card but when I saw this one with the white cat I just knew it was the right one. You see my "Missy" is a purr-fect white cat.
p.s. She's never had kittens...she's just that fat and yes...that is my work table that she likes to spread out on.

Sunday, February 13

Valentine ME Monday

Click to play this Smilebox greeting
Happy Valentine's Day to You
Once you've posted your pictures come back and add your link in link tool below. Please share the link back to my blog so that everyone can take part in sharing their post and picture

Welcome, again to Mary Engelbreit Monday. Please join us and post the link to your blog with the related Mary Engelbreit pictures to share with everyone. It can be a ME licensed product or something that was "inspired" by Mary Engelbreit's artwork. It "should" be a photo that you took of something that you own. We're flexible here....let's have fun above all else.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Saturday, February 12

Friday, February 11

Paper Animation

I first saw this little video over on one of the Beading blogs that I read. The talent that some people have just blows me away. This is a video created using paper "things" for the animations. Truly amazing & very cute.

The Move, Paper Animation from Mandy Smith on Vimeo.

Sunday, February 6

ME Monday Week Five 2011

Welcome, again to Mary Engelbreit Monday. Please join us and post the link to your blog with the related Mary Engelbreit pictures to share with everyone. It can be a ME licensed product or something that was "inspired" by Mary Engelbreit's artwork. It "should" be a photo that you took of something that you own. We're flexible here....let's have fun above all else.
A few weeks ago my neighbor, Paddy, and I stopped over at my favorite Dishtophia, again, for some tea & dessert.  Remember I found those cute little Mary Engelbreit bowls there for a song?  Well on this trip I found the lamp base pictured above hidden behind some other things. I got them to pull it down from a high shelf for me to take a look at it. The orginial asking price was $24.90 BUT they had marked it down 75%. She came home with me for $6.22!
The next project was to find a lampshade for it. I headed over to JoAnns where I found this "Self Adhesive Designer Shade". I already had the checkerboard fabric which I think will go perfectly with the base. I liked the angles on the shade because I think it reflects the base shape as a mirror image. Do you see it? Now all I have to do is find the time to cover the lampshade. Sometimes there just aren't enough hours in a day for me. Sigh.....

Please join me in wishing Genie from Buttons for Baga a very Happy Birthday on ME Monday. You'll find her at the first ME Monday link below. She'll be surprised!
Sorry I didn't make the cake but I'm sure Genie would Love it for her Birthday 
Now, please join me and share your ME with us all. Once you've posted your pictures come back and add your link in MckLinky below. Please share the link back to my blog so that everyone can take part in sharing their post and picture.

A Collection of Mary Engelbreit products or products that you created inspired by Mary Engelbreit's illustrations.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Friday, February 4

Fresh Cut Friday

I'm joining Liz at the beautiful Rose Vignettes blog for Fresh Cut Friday this week.
I walked into my favorite grocery store this afternoon where I spotted their flower display. I looked around a little and then I spotted these charming pink tulips. Next my thought went to 'What is today's date'? Why it's the first Friday of the month so that means that tomorrow is Fresh Cut Friday over at Liz's lovely blog. That sealed the deal and I knew that I would be taking home those charming pink tulips with me because it has been awhile since I've had Fresh Cut Flowers. I so deserve them. ;-)

Tuesday, February 1

Rednesday with Glitter

Add Glitter and Stir
I'm participating in the One World One Heart worldwide blog hop here in February. It's been really fun seeing the blogs from all over the world. On one of the blogs (can't even remember) had the phrase "add glitter and stir". I thought that was pretty funny.
Be sure to pop over to "It's a Very Cherry World" where Sue is hosting Rednesday so that you can see more Reds.

I changed my font at