Showing posts with label Tuesday Morning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tuesday Morning. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 5

Tuesday Morning @ Rednesday

Do you have Tuesday Morning stores where you live???  Today, Tuesday, I was going a little stir crazy being at home so I took a little trip out for awhile.  I remembered see an ad for a sale that was starting at Tuesday Morning today.  In case you've never heard of the store they sell a lot of close out merchandise at discounted prices. I find stuff there that I never see anywhere else.
 I don't even remember noticing all these fun Cherry "Tidy Aphrodite" cleaning tools in the flyer. This display was on the end cap near the back of the store. I'd almost made it through the whole store with nothing in my shopping basket.  Without a "new career" I'm being very frugal with my pennies these days. But, alas, I did have a need for a dust pan and brush. Really...I do! It was a bargain at $4.99 for the set. I did talk myself out of the ever so cute ironing board pad covered with Cherries and the rubber gloves with oh so cute cuffs with Cherries.  The broom was really cute, too, but I resisted. I'm so proud of myself but you know if I land a job this week this will be the first place I head back to!
So go check it out if you have a Tuesday Morning store close by you.  I'm joining Sue over at "It's a Very Cherry World" for Rednesday this week. Pop over and see what other "Red" the ladies are sharing. 

I changed my font at